當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 豪华酒店 - 酒店前臺結賬常用英語


1.請原諒,我想知道如果您覺得賬單不對,為什麽當時沒有提出疑問?為什麽您還會在賬單上簽名確認? I’m sorry, but could you let me know why you didn’t tell us and sign the bill if you think it is wrong at that time? 2.對不起,是我們的工作出現了失誤,這項收費我們會為您取消。 Sorry, it is our mistake. We will deduct this charge. 3.對不起,按酒店規定沒有押金單我們不能退您余款,但如果您真的把押金單丟了,我們需要您提供壹份收條證明您本人已將余款取回。 Sorry, according to the rule of our hotel without the receipt of deposit we can not refund your balance, but if you really lost the receipt of deposit, we need you provide a receipt to prove that you have got the balance back. 4.我們的賬單格式是在電腦中設定好的,您要的那種我們提供不了。 The form of our bill is set up by the computer, we couldn’t provide you the bill of that form.