當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店加盟 - 英譯漢英譯漢


1.(Dick Dylon is a new foreign teacher or English. Liu Lin, one of his Chinese students ,is interested to know about the education he received)

Dick Dylon 是壹個新來的英語教師。他的壹個中國學生劉林很想知道他所接受的教育是什麽樣子的。

2.(Now Liu Lin is telling Dick Dylon about the education she received.)

現在,劉林在向 Dick Dylon 描述她所接受的教育是什麽樣子的。

3.(Liz is going to graduate from her university .She went to talk to Professor kunts ,a foreign teacher in her univdesity ,about how to write a résumé in English to apply for a job in a foreign company in China.)

Liz 即將大學畢業。她去找她學校的壹個外籍教師—Kunts 教授討論如何寫壹份英文簡歷,用來向壹個在華外國企業尋求壹份工作。

4.(Liz has prepared her résumé,and now she is talking to Professor Kunts about it.)

Liz 已經準備好了她的簡歷,現在她正在和Kunts 教授討論這個簡歷。

5.(A Chinese student, Li Hong,will soon graduate from a college .She intends to further her study at Lancaster University in Britain.Now she is making a long distance call to the university)


6.(Li Hong asks the secretsry some questions about the tuition fees .The secretary tries to give her as much help as he can)


7.(Mike Hunter is a young doctor from Canada.He has been at an international medical conference in Beijing and tomorrow he will fly to London.At the moment he`s at a travel agent`s.)

Mike Hunter 是壹個來自加拿大的很年輕的醫生。他參加完了壹個在北京召開的國際醫學會議,明天他將飛往倫敦。此時,他正在壹個旅行代理所。

8.(Rod Benson is an American .He is staying at a hotel in Beijing.He is asking about tours in the capital city)

Rod Benson 是壹個美國人。他正待在北京的壹個賓館裏。他正在問有關在北京這個首都城市旅遊的事情。

9.(Andrew Blatchford is traveling in Ching. Now he comes to a hotel.)

Andrew Blatchford 正在Ching旅行。現在他來到了壹個賓館。

10.(A group of young people from the United States of America are on holiday in China .They are talking to a Chinese friend ,Fu Jie,at a tea house.)


11.(Chris Hudson is an Anerican. Now he is having a conversation with a local person named Fu Qin inDalian.)

Chris Hudson是壹個美國人。現在,他正在和壹個叫做付清的當地人在交談,在大連。

12.(Mr.and Mrs .Wright is visiting Dalian.Now Mrs .Wright is having a conversation with the tour guide.)


13.(Wang Tao is working in a joint venture.His colleague,Bob Anderson,is a technician.He comes form Britain .Wang Tao and his wife ,Li Hui ,would like to have Bob Anderson and his wife , Anna,over for dinner .Here is the dialogue between Wang Tao and Bob.)

王濤在壹家合資企業裏工作。他的同事Bob Anderson是壹個技術人員,來自英國。王濤和他的妻子劉慧很想邀請Bob Anderson和他的妻子Anna來***進晚餐。以下是王濤和Bob之間的對話。

14.(It`s 10:00p.m. Bob Anderson and his wife,Anna, are about to leave.They express their thanks to Wang Tao and his wife ,Li Hui. Here is the dialogue between Bob,Anna.Wang Tao and Li Hui.)

現在是晚上十點鐘,Bob Anderson和他的妻子Anna正要離開。他們對王濤和他的妻子劉慧表示了感謝。以下是Bob ,Anna,王濤和劉慧四個人之間的對話。
