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進寶 (京都手撕骨)Boiled Pork Sparerib金銀滿屋 (揚州炒飯)Fried Rice Yang Zhou Style黃金遍地 (黃金大餅)Golden Pancake花好月圓 (水果拼盤)Deluxe Fruit Platter每席凈價人民幣1688元 RMB 1688 inclusive of l5% Surcharge*紅寶石宴Ruby六福迎賓 (精美六小碟)Deluxe Six Combination Platter瓊漿玉液 (西湖牛肉羹)West Lake Beef Broth滿堂吉慶滿 (豉油皇煎大蝦)Pan-fried PrawCucumber with Mushroom幸福鴛鴦 (翡翠花枝鳳片)Stir-fried Squid and Chicken with Vegetable年年有余 (清蒸桂花魚)Steamed Mandarin Fish發財就手 (紅燒全肘子)Braised Pork Knuckle情真意切 (上湯浸時蔬)Simmered Seasonal Vegetables in Superior Stock財源廣進 (羊城燒鴨)Roast Duck Yang Cheng Style聚福生財 (回鍋肉)Fried Pork with Chilli豐衣足食 (雞粒炒飯)Fried Rice with Chicken濃情蜜意 (蓮子紅豆沙)Red Bean Paste金銀遍地 (金銀饅頭)Deep-fried and Steamed Buns每席凈價人民幣1288元 RMB 1288 inclusive of l5% Surcharge*水晶宴Crystal六福迎賓 (揚州六小碟)Six Combination Platter Yang Zhou Style滿堂吉慶 (美極煎大蝦)Pan-fried Prawns with Maggie Sauce瓊漿玉液 (西湖牛肉羹)West Lake Beef Broth比翼雙飛 (南乳吊燒雞)Roast Chicken with Preserved Beancurd安居樂業 (宮廷爆滑牛)Stir-fried Beef花枝招展 (碧綠彩鳳花枝)Stir-fried Squid and Chicken with Vegetable年年有余 (清蒸羅非魚)Steamed Luo Fei Fish百年好合 (野山菌扣婆參)Braised Sea Cucumber with Mushroom歡樂團圓 (蒜香田園時蔬)Sauteed Seasonal Vegetable with Garlic五谷豐登 (素珍蛋炒飯)Fried Rice with Vegetable and Egg聚福生財 (回鍋肉)Fried Pork with Chilli好事成雙 (美點雙輝)Chinese Petits Four金銀滿屋 (金銀饅頭)Deep-fried and Steamed Buns每席凈價人民幣1088元 RMB 1088 inclusive of l5% Surcharge*翡翠宴Jade六福迎賓 (精美六小碟)Deluxe Six Combination Platter絲絲真情 (花膠鴨絲羹)Fish Maw Soup with Shredded Duck安居樂業 (翡翠爆牛肉)Stir-fried Beef with Vegetable年年有余 (清蒸羅非魚)Steamed Luo Fei Fish發財就手 (貴妃燒蹄膀)Braised Pork Tendon鴻運當頭 (當紅炸子雞)Deep-fried Chicken with Chilli歡樂團圓 (上湯田園時蔬)Stir-fried Seasonal Vegetable in Superior Stock財源廣進 (泰汁炒鮮魷)Fried Squid in Thai Sauce五谷豐登 (素珍蛋炒飯)Fried Rice with Vegetable and Egg濃情蜜意 (蓮子紅豆沙)Red Bean Paste天長地久 (東北餃子)Northeast Dumpling花好月圓 (水果拼盤)Fruit Platter每席凈價人民幣888元 RMB 888 inclusive of l5% Surcharge