當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店加盟 - cashier and check out 這篇英文的翻譯

cashier and check out 這篇英文的翻譯


Ⅲ. 經典對話

(C= Cashier G=Guest)

C: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

G: Yes, I'd like to check out.

C: Certainly sir. May I have your room key, please?

G: Sure, here it is. C: Just a moment, please. I'll draw up your bill for you.

(After a while)

C: Mr. Johnson, your bill totals US $520. How

would you like to make the payment? G: By credit card. Do you accept Visa?

C: Yes, Mr. Johnson.

G: Here you are.

C: (Print the card) Could you sign here, please?

G: Sure.

C: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Here is your

credit card and your receipt. Have a nice trip.

Ⅳ. 常用句型百寶箱

1. 結帳基本應對

(1)Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment. 請稍等,收銀員馬上會準備好您的賬單。

(2)I will calculate/draw up the bill for you. 我幫您結帳單。

(3) Thank you for waiting, Mr. X, here is your bill. Would you like check? 讓您久等了,X先生。這是您的賬單,您要核對壹下嗎?

(4) Would you like a breakdown of the bill? 您的帳目要細分嗎?

(5)That's much more than I expected. 那比我預料中的要超出許多。

(6)Shall I explain some items for you? 要我解釋什麽收費款項嗎?

(7) If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you. 如果您認為帳目有錯,我們可以為您核對壹下。

(8)“L” stands for laundry, and “T” means telephone call charge. L代表洗衣費,T表示電話費。

(9)I am afraid it is not enough to cover the amount/ can't cover the amount. 恐怕那不夠付賬。

(10) How would you settle the bill/ make payment? 您打算如何付賬呢?

(11) In cash/ By credit card/ By travel's check. 用現金、信用卡、旅行支票付賬。

(12) May I have an invoice? 可以給我開張發票嗎?

(13) Certainly, sir. May I know the name of your company? 當然可以,先生。請問貴公司寶號?

(14) Here's your change and receipt/invoice. 這是您的零錢和收據/發票。

(15) I'll call the bellman to take your baggage down. 我會叫個服務員給妳行李拿下來。

2. 由第三方付款的結帳退宿

(1)Your bill will be paid by XX company./ XX company has arranged to pay your bill. 您的賬單由XX公司支付。

(2)Could you make out two separate bills for me? 可以給我分開兩張賬單嗎?

(3)What charges does each bill cover, please? 請問每張賬單博啊闊那些費用?

(4) One bill covers the room rent and telephone rate. They are paid by our company. 壹張賬單包括房租和電話費,這些是由我們公司支付。

(5) May I have your signature, please? 請您簽個名,好嗎?

(6) Could you sign your name here, please? 請您在這兒簽名,好嗎?

(7) May I have two of your business cards, please? 給我兩張您的名片,好嗎?

(8) May I have two of your business cards, please? 請給我兩張您的名片,好嗎?

3. 兌換外幣

(1)I'd like to change these US dollars into RMB. 我想把這些美元兌換成人民幣。

(2)Could you fill out this form, please? 請您填寫這張表格好嗎?

(3)The exchange rate of US dollar to RMB is 100:823, that will give you RMB XX yuan. 美元兌人民幣的匯率是100:823, 那就是要給您xx元人民幣。

(4) Would you like it in small or large bills? 您想要小額還是大額的鈔票?

(5) Please keep the receipt, you'll have to produce it when you want to change your money back. 請保管好您的收據,您要換回錢幣的時候需要出示它。

(6) I'm afraid that we only offer one-way change. 恐怕我們只提供單向兌換。

(7) We have a change limit of US$ XX between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. 在夜晚9點到早上8點之間,我們有xx美元兌換限額。

(8) You may go to the Bank of China to change your money. 您可以到中國銀行去兌換。

(9) If we change large amounts, our cash supply runs out and we're unable to oblige our other guests. 如果兌換大額的款項而造成資金短缺,那麽我們就無法為其他客人提供服務了。

(10)We hope you can understand. 希望您能諒解。

4. 付款時出現問題

(1) I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to accept personal checks. 對不起,我們不能接受個人支票。

(2) I'm sorry, but we don't accept personal checks according to the hotel policy. 對不起,根據酒店規定,我們不能接受個人支票。

(3) I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel. 我們恐怕不能接受這種貨幣。

(4) The figures and the words on the cheque do not agree. 這個數字和您支票上寫的不相符。

(5) The credit card limit set by the Visa Card is US$ 1500. 維薩卡的信用限額為1500美元。

(6) We need their permission to extend credit cover that amount. 如果數目超出哪個限額,我們必須得到他們的允許。

(7) Would you like to settle the difference in cash? 您願意用現金支付差額嗎?

(8) I'm afraid we have no credit arrangements with your company, madam. You may by any of these credit cards instead. 女士,我們與貴公司恐怕沒有信用貸款協定,您可以選用這些信用卡中的任何壹種。

5. 關於延遲退宿

(1) If you check out after 12:00 at noon, you'll have to pay all of the rate. 如果您在中午12點之後退宿,就得付半天的房費。

(2) If you check out after 6:00 p.m., you'll have to pay the full rate. 如果您在下午6點之後退宿,就得付壹天的房費。

6. 算錯了賬款

(1) I'm sorry to hear that. 很抱歉聽您這麽說。

(2) I'll check it with the department concerned. Would you mind waiting for a moment? 我去跟相關部門核對壹下,您介意等會兒嗎?

(3) There has been an error. 是我們搞錯了。

(4) I neglected that detail when I drew up your bill. 我在開賬單時忽略了那個細節。

(5) I'll correct your bill. 我來把您的賬單改過來。

(6) We'll correct your bill by deducting 180 yuan from the total. 我們將把您的賬單改過來,從總額中減去180元。

(7) Here is the money you overpaid. 這是您多付的錢。


(1) Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。

(2) We hope to enjoy your stay. 希望您在這兒住的愉快。

(3) We hope you have a pleasant/enjoyable stay, madam. 我在開賬單時忽略了那個細節。

(4) We look forward to serving you again. 我們期望再次為您服務。
