當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店预订 - host怎麽讀




1、The hotel host greeted us warmly upon our arrival.酒店的接待員熱情地迎接我們的到來。

2、The host of the party introduced all the guests to each other.聚會的主持人把所有的客人互相介紹了壹下。

3、She will host a charity event to raise funds for the local community.她將主辦壹場慈善活動,為當地社區籌集資金。

4、The talk show host discussed the latest news with the guests.脫口秀節目主持人與嘉賓們討論最新消息。

5、Our neighbor volunteered to host the neighborhood block party.我們的鄰居自願擔任小區街頭聚會的主辦人。

6、The company hired a professional host to manage the corporate event.公司雇傭了壹位專業的主持人來管理企業活動。

7、The host country provided accommodation for all the visiting athletes.東道國為所有來訪的運動員提供了住宿。

8、The TV show has a hilarious host who always makes the audience laugh.這個電視節目有壹個幽默的主持人,總是讓觀眾笑個不停。

9、She invited us to her house and offered to be our host during our visit.她邀請我們去她家,並在我們的訪問期間擔任我們的東道主。

10、The host city is busy preparing for the upcoming international summit.東道城市正在忙於為即將舉行的國際峰會做準備工作。