當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店预订 - 香港職工會聯盟的屬會名單


港九勞工社團聯會The Federation Of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions

香港交通運輸業職工聯合會Federation Of Hong Kong Transport Worker Organizations

香港倉庫運輸物流員工協會Hong Kong Storehouses And Transportation & Logistics Staff Association

香港鐵路公司員工協會Mass Transit Railway Corporation Staff Union

零售、商業及成衣業總工會Retail, Commerce and Clothing Industries General Union(保險及金融從業員權益分會)

太古飲料(香港)職工總會Swire Beverages(Hong Kong)Employees General Union

香港郵政局員工會Union Of Hong Kong Post Office Employees

香港社會工作者總工會Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union

香港教育專業人員協會Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union

九巴員工協會The K.M.B. Staff Union

港九電子工業職工總會Hong Kong & Kowloon Electronics Industry Employees' General Union

混凝土業職工會Concrete Industry Workers Union

建築地盤職工總會Construction Site Workers General Union

港九金飾珠寶業職工會Hong Kong & Kowloon Gold Ornament & Jewellery Trade Workers Union

中西飲食業職工會Chinese & Western Food Workers Union

交通事業從業員協會Traffic Services Employees Association

港九拯溺員工會Hong Kong & Kowloon Life Guard's Union

香港青年協會職員會Staff Association Of The Hong Kong Federation Of Youth Groups

政府工程技術及測量人員協會Association Of Government Technical And Survey Officers

社區及院舍照顧員總工會Community Care and Nursing Home Workers General Union

電訊盈科職員協會Pacific Century CyberWorks Staff Association

旅遊巴士司機工會Coach Drivers Union

香港救世軍雇員協會The Salvation Army Employee Association

香港泥頭車司機協會Hong Kong Dumper Truck Drivers Association

香港明愛員工會Hong Kong Caritas Employees Union

駕駛教師協會Driving Instructors Association

惠康有限公司職工會Wellcome Company Limited Employees Union

香港基督教女青年會員工協會Staff Association Of Hong Kong Y.M.C.A.

香港非緊急救護服務員工協會Hong Kong Non-Emergency Ambulance Transfer Service Staff Association

政府第壹標準薪級員工總會Government Mod 1 Staff General Union

香港復康會運輸助理員/車長工會The Hong Kong Society For Rehabilitation Transport Assistants / Captains Union

香港物業管理及保安職工總會Hong Kong Buildings Management And Security Workers General Union

個人及社區服務行業職工總會Personal And Community Services Workers General Union

香港天主教機構職員協會Hong Kong Catholic Institution Staff Association

香港大學職工會University Of Hong Kong Employees Union

新世界第壹巴士公司職工會New World First Bus Company Staff Union

中港貨運司機龍眼協會China-Hong Kong Cargo Transport Drivers Association (Dragon Eye)

運輸及物流業職工會Transport And Logistics Workers Union

電視制作及廣播業職工會TV Production & Broadcasting Industry Trade Union(分會:TVB職員協會 TVB Staff Association)

城巴有限公司職工會Citybus Limited Employees Union

社會福利機構員工會Social Welfare Organizations Employees Union

飲食及酒店業職工總會Catering And Hotels Industries Employees General Union

物流及貨櫃車司機工會Logistics Industry and Container Truck Drivers Union

香港復康機構工場導師會Union Of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Agencies Workshop Instructor

政府制圖人員協會Association of Government Cartographic Staff

香港家務助理總工會Hong Kong Domestic Workers General Union

嗇色園員工會Sik Sik Yuen Worker's Union

政府雇員團結工會Government Employees Solidarity Union

Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association(譯名︰香港航空機組人員協會)

政府圖書館館長協會Government Librarians Association

國泰航空公司空中服務員工會Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants Union

香港學校非教員職工會Hong Kong School Non Teaching Staff Union

清潔服務業職工會Cleaning Service Industry Workers Union

Indonesian Migrant Workers Union(譯名︰印尼移工工會)

BA Hong Kong International Cabin Crew Association(譯名︰英航香港機艙服務員工會)

香港中文大學員工總會The Chinese University Of Hong Kong Employees General Union

香港心理衛生會職員會Staff Union Of Mental Health Association Of Hong Kong

醫院管理局職工總會Hospital Authority Workers General Union

香港職工會聯盟員工會Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions Staff Union

食物環境衛生署管工職系工會Food and Environmental Hygiene Deportment Foremen Grade Staff General Union

香港美容美發職工會Hong Kong Beauty And Hair Care Employees' Union

通訊業總工會Communications Workers General Union

香港浸會大學教職員工會Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty and Staff Union

Hong Kong Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers Union(譯名︰菲律賓家務助理總工會)

扶康會員工總會Fu Hong Society Employees General Union

衛安職工會Guardforce Workers Union

香港迪斯尼樂園職工會Hong Kong Disneyland Cast Members' Union

香港碼頭業職工會Union Of Hong Kong Dockers

港龍航空公司空勤人員協會Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Flight Attendants Association

消防處廚師職工會Union Of Fire Services Department Cooks

Filipino Migrant Worker's Union(譯名︰菲律賓移工工會)

建造業議會職工會Construction Industry Council Employee Union

校園設施管理有限公司職工會Campus Facilities Management Company Limited Workers Union

海洋公園職工會Ocean Park Employees Union

鍾錫熙長洲安老院有限公司員工協會Chung Shak-Hei (Cheung Chau) Home For The Aged. Ltd. Employees Association

香港神托會社會服務部職工會Stewards Social Service Branch Staff Union

紮鐵業團結工會Bar Bending Solidarity Union

香港旅遊業(外遊)領隊及導遊工會Hong Kong Travel Industry(Outbound)Tour Escort and Tour Guide Union

香港雀巢職工會Hong Kong Nestle Workers Union

香港屈臣氏公司職工會Hong Kong A. S. Watson & Company Limited Employees Union

懷智職工會Wai Ji Worker's Union

香港拖輪專業人員工會Hong Kong Towage Professionals Union

Thai Migrant Workers Union (TMWU) Hong Kong(譯名︰泰國移工工會)

香港警務處電訊技術人員工會Hong Kong Police Force Telecommunications Technical Staff Union

職業訓練局非教職人員工會Vocation Training Council Non-Teaching Staff Union

維他奶職工會Vitasoy Employees Union

香港亞洲家務工工會聯會Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions

怡中航空職工會JASL Employees Union

Dragonair Pilots Association(譯名︰港龍航空機師協會)

大學及專上院校工會聯盟The Confederation of Tertiary Institutes Staff Unions

香港駕駛學院駕駛教師工會Hong Kong School of Motoring Driving Instructors Union

香港電視網絡外景制作工會HKTV Network Field Production Employees Union