當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店预订 - 跪求壹些旅遊酒店管理專業和英語專業課程的英文翻譯 謝謝哦 很急呢

跪求壹些旅遊酒店管理專業和英語專業課程的英文翻譯 謝謝哦 很急呢


軍訓 military training

經濟數學 Math in Economics

全國導遊基礎知識 basic knowledge of national tourist guides

旅遊學概論 Introduction to Tourism

財經應用文寫作 practical writing of finance and economics

導遊原理與實務 Principles and practices of tourist guides

“毛鄧三”概論 Outline of Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory and “Three Representatives”

酒店前廳管理實務 .Operational Practice on lobby management

酒店餐飲管理實務 Operational Practice on food and beverage management

旅行社經營與管理 travel agent operation and management

會計實訓 accounting training

旅遊法規 tourism regulations

旅遊地理學 tourism geography

企業經營實戰演練 practice of business operation

統計學實訓 Practice of Statistics

旅遊心理學 traveling psychology

形體禮儀 physical rituals

酒店與旅遊英語 Hotel and traveling English

酒店客房管理實務 Operational Practice on Hotel room

希臘羅馬神話與西方文明 Greek and Roman Mythology and Western Cilvilization

英語筆譯實踐 Practices of English written translation

英漢語言對比研究 a contrastive study of languages between chinese and english

現代天文學概論--探索宇宙的奧秘 an outline of modern astronomy——An exploration of the mysteries of the universe

英語國家概況 A Survey of English-speaking Countries

傳媒英語 media English

公益勞動 socially useful labour/ volunteer labor/ public labouring/ voluntary labour

英語教學法理論Theories on English Language Teaching Methodology
