當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 酒店住宿 - 星級酒店的評價指標


1.ARI平均房價指數 Average Rate Index


計算公式為:酒店平均房價/ 市場平均房價


2.CTP營業利潤貢獻 Contribution to Trading Profit




3.GOP總經營利潤 Gross Operating Profit

計算公式:酒店各生產營業部門營業毛利總和(包括Room,F&B and other)-非營業部門總費用(包括A&G,S&M,Engineering and Energy).


4.RevPAR平均每間可賣房間的收入Revenue Per Available Room

公式為:RevPAR= Total Room Rev.房間總收入

Total Available Room可賣房總數

5.RGI收入產生指數Revenue Generation Index





6. GSTS賓客意見調查系統 Guest Satisfaction Tracking System

GSS= Guest Satisfaction Index. (A key measure within GSTS).

A guest overall evaluation of the quality of service received during their stay.


7.ESPS員工滿意度調查Employee Satisfaction Pulse Survey

ESS= Employee Satisfaction Index(員工滿意指數)衡量員工對公司及崗位的整體滿意程度。

Key Driver Report (關鍵項目報告)最影響ESS分值的五個問題。

8.TQM全面質量管理 Total Quality Management

TQM is focusing on process improvement and innovations and the purpose is to find the problem root cause so that to meet guest overall satisfaction. (TQM 致力於程序的改進和創新,目的是從根本上發現問題,從而最終提高客人的總體滿意度。)

9 steps of TQM project (TQM的九個步驟 ):

1) Project selection (項目選擇)

2) Setup data collection system(建立數據搜集系統)

3) Data analysis (數據分析)

4) Diagnosis (診斷)

5) Solution (解決方案)

6) Confirmation (確認)

7) Standardization (標準化)

8) Setup maintenance system (建立維護系統)

9) Review (回顧)

9.PMS酒店經營管理系統 Property Management System

酒店主要使用Lanmark, Fidelio, Opera等。

10.SOP標準經營程序 Standard Operating Procedures

There are 2 types of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) used by Hotels Group, namely (i) Training SOPs and (ii) Flow Chart SOPs. Each hotel will be required to use this framework and customized the SOPs accordingly to suit their individual hotel requirements.

每壹酒店需根據各自要求使用此結構及定制 SOP。

All the SOPs can be download from website.所有的SOP都可以從集團網站上下載。

11.KNR重要公司協議價Key Negotiated Rate

- Responsible by Global Key Account Manager (由集團全球客戶經理負責)

- Offer special rate generally (通常價格較低)

- Renew contract by RFP (由總部統壹續簽合同)

- Proper strategy apply and control (需要制定正確的策略)

12.LNR當地公司協議價Local Negotiated Rate

Sign Contract with hotel directly (直接與酒店簽訂協議)

Big amount of account and lower contribution from each (客戶多,但是每壹個公司的間夜量少)

Higher contract rate than KNR mostly (通常比KNR的合同價格高)

Renew contract by Sales(通過銷售人員續簽合同)

Priority focus in 2007 (是2007年的重點)

13.RFP合作協議申請 Request for Proposal

- Mostly sign or renew on yearly basis (大多數每年簽訂或續簽壹次)

- NSO/RSO often provide assistance (中國區/地區銷售辦公室會提供協助)

- Applied major from KNR (主要應用於KNR(重要公司協議價))

- Available to accounts worldwide (適用於全球範圍的客戶)

14.FIT 散客 Fully Independent Traveler

Book room individually, no organizer, clear account directly by him/herself when check-out.


15.DND 請勿打擾Do Not Disturb

- DND light (DND燈亮)

- DND signage (懸掛DND標誌牌)

16.VIP 非常重要的人 Very Important Person

- Hotel has different standard for different VIP set up, including fruit basket, flower etc.(酒店對不同的VIP級別有不同的標準,包括果盤,鮮花等。)