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Mia walks up to the front desk with her suitcase

C f or Clerk 。 M f or Mia

C: Welcome to the Old Town Hotel. What can I do for you?

M: I know check-in is at 3:00 p.m., but I was wondering if I could check in early.

C: I’m sorry. Our check-in policy is fairly strict, and I’m afraid your room isn’t ready yet.

M: I see. Could I leave my luggage with you at least?

C: Certainly. ( Gives Mia a small card ) Be sure to hold on to this claim ticket . I’ll put a tag on your suitcase in a moment.


1、walk up to(sb/sth):朝...走去。這個詞組可walk to這個詞組做壹個比較。walk to的意思是“用走的方式去哪裏”,強調的是走,而walk up to是強調的方向。

2、check in,辦理入住,登記。這個詞組可以同時作為名詞和動詞使用,名詞的形式壹般是check-in。另外check in 也可以作為機場辦理登記使用,辦理登記手續的櫃臺“the check-in desk/counter”。我們在機場也會聽到廣播“Please check in at least an hour before departure.”對應的check out(of...)是結賬離開的意思,名詞是checkout。


4、luggage,行李(不可數名詞)。在北美地區更常用的是baggage。hand luggage是手提行李的意思。還有壹個單詞是belongings,意思是“動產,個人財產”,尤其指隨身物品。我們也經常聽到廣播“Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when leaving the plane.”

5、claim ticket,行李票。也可以表達為claim tag,tag也有標簽的意思。

6、in a moment,立刻,馬上。英語中壹個非常常用的縮寫“ASAP”,As Soon As Possible,是盡快的意思,經常出現在郵件、短信中。