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隨著世界全球化、壹體化趨勢的發展,英語教學和學習變得越來越重要。本文是 七年級英語 小短文,希望對大家有幫助!

七年級英語小短文:Spotlight on Hawaii


For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell with some little glimmer of awareness. Golden beaches and golden people. Sun, sand, sea, and surf... And somewhere between the blue skies and the palm trees... we're hooked.


The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long. It's a little warmer in summer, and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody.


The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust these islands three miles from the ocean floor. Wave action across endless eons of time created coral reefs, and then battered and broke them to create miles of white sand beach.


Our position at the center of the Pacific ensured that almost every plant and animal who would find a home here would come as an invited guest.

夏威夷地處太平洋的中心,使得幾乎每壹 種植 物和動物都可以來到這裏找到壹個家。

There are no strangers in Paradise. Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of our people. We call it the spirit of Aloha. It has allowed a melting pot ot cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places.

在這人間天堂沒有陌生人。也許夏威夷人與生俱來的熱情才是這裏真正的魅力所在。我們將它稱之為愛的精神。它是世界上最文明的地方之壹,世界各地的 文化 都可以在這熔爐中找到***同點,生根發芽。

 七年級英語小短文:Valentine's Day


February 14th is a complicated but interesting holiday. First of all, Valentine's Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. On Valentine's Day people ususlly send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The cards are called "valentines". They are very colourful, often decorated with hearts, flowers or birds, and have humorous or sentimental verses printed inside. The basic message of the verse is always "Be My Valentine", "Be My Sweet Heart" or "Lover".


One of the symbols of St.Valentine's Day is the Roman god of Love, called Cupid. Cupid is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. He would shoot an arrow of love into a person's heart to make the person fall in love immediately, maybe with the first person to come along. Sometimes one arrow would go through two hearts, holding them together. So on February 14th not only do we have picture of the Christian St.Valentine but we also have pitures of the non-Christian Cupid, the Roman god of love.


But it is from the Christians that we get the stories about Valentine's Day that most people have come to believe. One story is about a Christian man whose name sounded something like "Valentine." He lived around 250 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor Claudius refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoever. Christian couples came to Valentine to be married. So Valentine would marry them in a Christian way. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor. One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by making on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. And the leaves were shaped like a heart.

大多數人相信的情人節的 故事 來源於基督教。其中有個故事提到,有壹個__的名字聽起來像“瓦倫登”。他大約生活在公元前250年。那時羅馬皇帝克勞狄烏斯禁止羅馬士兵以任何借口結婚。信奉基督教的夫婦就去找“瓦倫登”主持結婚。“瓦倫登”以基督教方式為他們秘密舉行婚禮,後來被羅馬皇帝發現送進監獄。 傳說 他在葉子上做標記給他朋友傳遞信息,然後把葉子扔出監獄的窗外。這些葉子的形狀是心形的。



Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games, and has a long history and cultural background. The history of Athens begins more than 3,000 years ago when during the prehistoric times its first inhabitants created their first settlement on the rock of the Acropolis.


During thousands of years, Athens went through times of glory and times of decline. Finally it became the capital of Greece in 1834 mostly for its location and historical importance. Since then Athens grew to the city we know today, an important financial European capital.


The historical centre of Athens is the most important area of the city for the thousands of tourists who are visiting the Greek capital in order to admire the shrine of Democracy, the Acropolis, the Parthenon, the museums and monuments and theatres from the glorious past of Athens.

對於成千上萬的遊客來說,雅典城最重要的區域是它的歷史中心。在這裏,他們可以瞻仰民主的聖地, 拜訪 衛城、帕臺農神廟,還有盡顯希臘輝煌歷史的各種博物館、紀念碑和劇場。

Since the distances to most of the main sights of Athens are not long, walking is a good idea and a good way to get to know Athens. Athens has a lot of attractions that someone will need at least one week or more to explore.

雅典城中的主要景點都相距不遠,步行不失為了解這座城市的壹種好想法和好 方法 。雅典有如此多的名勝古跡,人們至少需要壹周的時間來遊覽。

There are many museums in Athens like the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, one of the most important museums in the world. And, of course, don't forget the beaches and the famous nightlife of Athens equivalent with the nightlife of Paris and London.



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