當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游攻略 - 求“寫壹篇關於韓國旅遊英語作文”,謝謝大家!!


South Korea is the coexistence of a new, ch arming country solemn andmysterious. Korean tourists to be found, modern country has hos ted the 1988 Summer Olympic Games, still re tains the ancient oriental civilization -- the essence of ancient palace, the magnificent a ncient city gate and quiet temples. Koreans are pushing their dishes: Bibimbap, R oast Beef with fame spreading far and wide, and the pickled cabbage. 韓國是壹個新舊並存,靜穆神秘的迷人國 家。來韓遊客將會發現,這個曾主辦過198 8年夏季奧運會的現代化國家,仍然保留著 古東方文明的精髓——歷代古宮、壯麗的 古城門和寧靜的寺廟。 大韓民族卻力推他們的名菜:石鍋拌飯、 烤牛肉、和名聞遐邇的泡 菜。