當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游攻略 - 幫忙翻譯壹下這幾個關於澳門的英語句子。


1.位於廣東珠海市的南面、香港的西面。在1999年12月20日回歸祖國; 2.面積20多平方公裏,人口約46萬; 3.漢語和葡萄牙語是澳門的官方語言,很多人也會講英語; 4.是壹個國際化都市、旅遊勝地 1. Is located in the southern city of Zhuhai in Guangdong, Hong Kong's west. In December 20, 1999 return to the motherland; 2. An area of more than 20 square km, a population of about 460,000; 3. Chinese and Portuguese is the official language of Macao, a lot of people also speak English; 4. Is an international city, a tourist destination