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五壹國際勞動節wǔ yī guó jì láo dòng jié亦稱"五壹節",定在每年的五月壹日。它是全世界無產隊級、勞動人民的***同節日。

Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home

此節源於美國芝加哥城的工人大罷工.1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十壹萬六千余名工人為爭取實行八小時工作制而舉行大罷工,經過艱苦的流血鬥爭,終於獲得了勝利.為紀念這次偉大的工人運動,1889年7 月第二國際宣布將每年的五月壹日定為國際勞動節.這壹決定立即得到世界各國工人的積極響應.1890年5月1日,歐美各國的工人階級率先走向街頭,舉行盛大的示威遊行與集會,爭取合法權益.從此,每逢這壹天世界各國的勞動人民都要集會,遊行,以示慶祝.







5月1日,國際勞動節,它是全世界工人階級鬥爭的歷史紀念,每個國家都很重視它,尤其是美國,加拿大,南非.事件起因是, 1880年美國工人遊行集會要求8小時工作制.1884年,聯邦貿易組織通過了壹項解決方案,以立法的形式規定從1886年5月1日開始執行每日8 小時工作制,但此後,工人們仍然被強迫每天工作10小時,12小時,甚至14小時,這使得該項立法明有實亡,而各地的聯邦首腦對此卻表示出十分冷淡和不友好的態度,於是壹場為爭取8小時工作的罷工開始了.

世界各國過"五壹" 慶祝特色各千秋




























May First International Labor Day w ǔ y ī guójìláo dòng jiéalso calls " May Day " Decides in every year on May 1. It isthe world not produces team level, working people's common holiday. Labor' S Day is on May 1st. Labor' S Day is an internationalday for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.The Labor' S Day is workers' Holiday and workers can enjoythemselves to their heart' S content. Many people choose totravel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks.And others will stay at home This source greatly strikes to the American Chicago city laborperson 1886 the year on May 1, Chicago's 216,000 worker for strivesfor implements eight hours work systems to hold greatly strikes,passes through difficultly bleeds the struggle, finally has achievedthe success For will commemorate this great labor movement,1,889years in July second international announcement every year on May 1 todecide as international labor day This decision obtains the variouscountries worker positively to respond immediately 1890 the year onMay 1, the European and American various countries working class takesthe lead to move towards the street corner, holds the granddemonstration and the assembly, strives for the legitimate rights andinterests From this time on, every time meets this day variouscountries the working people all want to assemble, the parade, showsto celebrate For will commemorate this great labor movement,1,889 years in July,organizes in Engels to convene internationally second had beenestablished at the congress to announce every year on May 1 willdecide as international labor day, the abbreviation "51". Thisdecision obtains the various countries worker's positive responseimmediately. On May 1, 1890, the European and American variouscountries working class took the lead to move towards the streetcorner, held the grand demonstration and the assembly, strove for thelegitimate rights and interests. From this time on, every time meetsthis day, the various countries working people all must hold, theparade, shows to celebrate. The Chinese people celebrated Labor Day's activity to be possible totrace to 1918. This year, some revolutionary intellectuals in placessuch as Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hankou send out introduces "51"circular to the populace. On May 1, 1920, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jiujiang, Tangshan andso on various industrial city working masses enormously and powerfulmoved towards the downtown, have held the mammoth parade, theassembly. Li Dazhao on has specially published "" 51 "MovementHistory" in "New youth", introduced "51" the festival origin and isbeautiful method and so on the national well-known craftsman personcommemorates "51" the activity, summoned the Chinese worker the datewhich "51" the achievement awakens this year. Chen Duxiu also forcelebrated this holiday to publish "Shanghai To enrich the well-beingof the masses Cotton mill Hunan Female worker Question" an article,exposed the capitalist to exploit the worker surplus value the truth.Chen Duxiu has done in on sea boat service 棧房labor federation"勞苦 Consciousness" the speech, has expounded "the work creationworld". "Works the person most useful is most precious" viewpoint. InBeijing, some youths egress the propaganda, sends out "on May 1Laborer Manifesto", arouses the worker for the oppositionexploitation, strives for own right to struggle. This is Chinacommemorates "51" for the first time international labor day'sactivity, also is in Chinese history first "51" Labor Day. After new China is founded, the Central People's Government stateadministrative council on May 1 will decide as legal Labor Day inDecember, 1949, will be the date nation has a vacation one day. Everyyear this day, whole nation joyfully celebrates, the people exchangethe holiday the splendid attire, jubilantly gathers at the park, thetheater, the square, attends each kind of celebration to assemble orthe literary style recreational activity, and to the worker which hasthe prominent contribution carries on the commendation. On May 1, 1920, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jiujiang, Tangshan andso on various industrial city working masses enormously and powerfulmoved towards the downtown, has held the mammoth parade, the assembly,this was in Chinese history first 51 Labor Day After puts, theCentral People's Government state administrative council on May 1 willdecide as legal Labor Day in December, 1949, will be the date nationhas a vacation one day The holiday, the whole nation joyfullycelebrates, the people exchange the holiday the splendid attire,jubilantly gathers at the park, the theater, the square, attends eachkind of celebration to assemble or the literary style recreationalactivity, and to the worker which has the prominent contributioncarries on the commendation On May 1, 1886 the Chicago city labor people greatly struck On May 1, international labor day, it is the historicalcommemoration which the world working class struggles, each countryall very much takes it, in particular US, Canada, South Africa Theevent cause is, in 1880 the American workers paraded assemble request8 hours work systems 1884 year, the federation trade organization topass a solution, legislates the form stipulated started from 1886 May1 to carry out every day 8 hours work systems, but hereafter, theworkers are still forced to work every day for 10 hours,12 hours, even14 hours, this enabled this legislation clearly to have the reality toperish, but each place federation head actually expressed regardingthis was extremely desolate and the unfriendly manner, thereupon forstrove for 8 hours work the strikes to start Various countries " 51 " Celebration characteristic variouscenturies Once a year "51" international labor day arrived, forcommemorate this world working people to unite fight the holiday, thevarious countries generally can hold corresponding celebration. But,certainly will not be all countries all on May 1 decides as Labor Day,these with "51" country, concrete celebration way and custom alsoentirely different, how will we might as well together have a lookother some countries passed Labor Day. *** US: Labor Day place of origin only "51" Labor Day origins from US. 19th century 80's, US bourgeoisiein order to carry on the accumulation of capital, carries on brutalexploitation squeezing to the working class, they use each method,forces the worker to be engaged in every day long reaches 12 to 16hours even more time work. The American general workers graduallyrealize, in order to safeguard own right, must get up wages thestruggle. Started from 1884, the American advanced workers organized through theresolution, had to be the realization "works for 8 hours to fightevery day", and proposed "8 hours work; 8 hours rests; 8 hoursentertainment! The worker creates the complete wealth!" Slogan. On May 1, 1886, the American Chicago's workers held greatly strike.That one day, take Chicago as the center, the American nationapproximately 350,000 workers participated in the strike and theparade, the request improvement work condition, implemented 8 hourswork systems. This struggle has shocked entire US. The working classunites the fight the formidable strength, forced the capitalist tomake the concessions, American worker's this big strike has gained thevictory. In July, 1889, led internationally second by Engels holds therepresentative assembly in Paris. For commemorate American worker'sthis "51" greatly to strike, the conference through the resolution,every year on May 1 will decide as international labor day. From thistime on, the various countries worker association in this day holdgrand celebration, many countries also has a vacation one day. What but, is special, the American government afterwards when set upLabor Day, voluntarily stipulated every year September first Mondaywas Labor Day, therefore American's Labor Day not in May, but inSeptember. Every time meets September the Labor Day, the American may have avacation one day, the entire American each place populace generallycan hold the parade, the assembly and so on each kind of celebration,shows to the laborer the respect. In some states, people after paradealso must conduct the picnic meeting, lively eats and drinks, sings,dances. At nightfall, some places also can set off the fireworks. *** Russia: The parade, the assembly, entertainment all many Since on international has set up Labor Day, Russiacontinuously quite takes this special holiday. "51" this day, theRussian nation has a vacation, and holds each kind of celebration andthe mass parade. In the past, the above activity mainly was by the officialorganization, in the troops on parade including various enterprises,institution's representatives. Now, celebration which plans besidesthe government, each different political view non- officialorganization, the labor group, can spontaneously hold each kind ofcelebration in this day, both may take this opportunity fully toelaborate respective political view, and can expand this organizationthe influence. Generally speaking, "51" the parade troop must first pass through thecity the major street, the square, finally in is ancient or the broadcentral square hold large-scale assembly and the celebration. At thesame time, Russian each place each kind of club also can hold thecontent richly, the color riotous recreational activity, people'sholiday mood is very high. *** Japan: Labor Day meets "the gold week" Japan is holiday quite many countries, before May 1 the afterholiday very many, like on April 29 Arbor Day, on May 3 theconstitution commemoration day, on 4th the national holiday, on 5ththe child festival, these holidays links, the common Japanese at leasthas week relaxation time, is longest even reaches 11 day. Said to the salariat that, this long vacation significance really isdifferent is common. Therefore, in Japan, the Labor Day specialcelebration quilt "51 golds weeks" substitutes day after day. Moreoverstarts from April 29, Japan on already entered "the gold week". Japanese entertainment facility and so on nation many hotels, hotspring, in "51" front splits out each kind of advertisement to gatherthe tourist in abundance, the ordinary hotel room price also comparesusually enhances above a time. This April 29, the Japanese Narita airport welcomed the holiday firstpeak, same day the tourist which went abroad from here surpasses40,000 people, estimated "the gold week" period this airport will shipthe passenger to achieve 810,000 people. Many tourists choose placestraveling such as the Hawaii, Saipan Island, China and Southeast Asia. *** Canada: In September Labor Day symbolized the summer ended With is the North America country, Canada and US equally alsois celebrates Labor Day in every year September first Monday. Whencity and so on Ottawa, Toronto, every year Labor Day can hold paradesand assembles, by this commendation labor union organization's underworkers the contribution which make to the Canadian society. Moreover, compared with, in the majority Canadian's concept which isout of the ordinary, this September Labor Day symbolizes the summerconclusion. In the ordinary circumstances, the guardians can vacationbuy the new semester using Labor Day to the child the study materials,the merchant also often taking the opportunity promote sales thestationery. *** Thailand, Peru: Has a vacation one day Thailand will promulgate the labor statute for the first timein 1932, afterwards every year on May 1 will determine for nationalLabor Day, by this praise industrious work worker. This day, the Thaination unification has a vacation one day, can have the correlation inthe capital as well as some big cities celebration, but the scalegenerally all cannot too be big. With Thailand's situation quite similar, South America country Perualso stipulates in May on 1 for national Labor Day, moreover thenation has a vacation one day. *** Italy: Does not celebrate does not have a vacation European country and so on the England, France all "51" thedetermination will be Labor Day, many countries all have a vacationone day, but also some countries put according to the situation thepublic holidays in May first Monday. But, Italy which not too is same with the world majority countryalthough acknowledged "51" international labor day, the governmentalso expresses the respect laborer, but the average person certainlydoes not hold special celebration, also nationwidely does not have"51" the vacation