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在線等英語作文 高懸賞。

Tourism Safety Management Analysis and Countermeasures

Travel safety is the lifeline of the tourism industry in the tourism industry plays an extremely important and special role.

First, security is the protection of tourism activities. Safety of tourists travel the spirit of happiness and mental and physical relaxation to provide the maximum protection, so that tourists can travel to melt into the experience of living in different places.

Secondly, tourism security is a prerequisite for the development of tourism. III. Travel security with the development of tourism and the increasing emergence of newspapers屢見. Earlier has caused widespread concern among 31 March, 1994 occurred in the large Lake in Zhejiang robbery arson murder, resulting in 32 dead (including 24 from Taiwan). Travel of the objective existence of security problems undermined the image of tourism, to cast a shadow on the minds of tourists, tourism management and higher requirements.

A sound rationale for tourism safety analysis

1, the current travel safety profile has not been given due attention, security problems occur from time to time. According to statistics, the country only in 1999 reported to the State Tourism Administration of Tourism on the up to 40 security incidents, the total of 54 people were killed and 99 others were injured; Among them, the emergency escape 3.

2, the macro-management of existing tourism safety legislation and regulations be divided into three categories: (1) promulgated by the tourism department in charge of a national tourism safety regulations, such as the "Interim Measures for Tourism Safety Management", "major tourism safety incident reporting system pilot scheme", "Interim Measures for drifting tourism safety management", "foreign-related tourism hotel on the strengthening of safety management, to prevent a vicious case of notice." (2) the enactment of other relevant departments of the national relevant laws and regulations, such as "management of the hotel industry of law and order", "fire safety management of places of public entertainment" and GB/T16767-1997 GB amusement park (field) the safety and quality of service. " (3) promulgated by the tourism department in charge of local tourism safety regulations, such as "tourism safety management approach in Jilin Province" and so on. These safety rules to run almost all aspects of the tourism industry in general formed a relatively complete legal system for the management of tourist safety. However, the above-mentioned laws and regulations stay at the operational level, there are still many problems.

3, the safety management of tourism-related agencies in accordance with national policies and regulations, with the exception of the National Tourism Bureau, the normal operation of the tourism industry there are other competent bodies. For example, the tourist attractions of the competent bodies Tourism Administration, Construction, Forestry Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the fire department, etc.. These departments formed a tourism safety management groups external agencies can be more effective to inhibit the occurrence of security issues. But also more vulnerable to the competent bodies and fragmentation of the formation of multi-management and management of the "vacuum" caused by inefficient management of tourist safety. Tourism industry, although part of the tourism management, tourism enterprises (especially the hotels) to set up a special tourism safety management agency or with the work of staff responsible for safety management, but so far there are a large number of tourism enterprises and institutions specialized even security managers did not.

4, travel security facilities in line with international standards as the earlier one of the industry, and tourism businesses to introduce in a timely manner or to use high-tech tools and new equipment, with appropriate security facilities, such as the hotel industry of fire alarm systems, closed circuit monitoring systems. However, due to the depreciation period, the safe use of life, such as the financing of the objective reality, tourism facilities and equipment are safe and do not fully support, product quality is still not up to standard.

5, the safety management of existing tourism areas, including management of fire safety management, security management, food hygiene management, and so on several major content and services along with consumer awareness and enhanced awareness, an increase of tourist complaints management; from the content covers more mature tourism projects, such as entertainment, amusement parks, rafting and other tourism safety management. However, due to a number of popular tourist welcome and security needs of the involvement of higher type, adventure type of special tourism projects (such as bungee jumping, rafting, air glider, hot air balloon tour) to the rapid emergence; management regulations and measures in relation to the lag operator (Today there is no similar "drift Tourism Safety Management Interim Measures" of bungee jumping, paragliding, hot air balloon safety management approach); local and short-term profit-oriented enterprises, and thus, a number of new projects that have not yet satisfied that the safety of timely management areas, a new tourist resort project safety accidents occur from time to time. April 23, 1995, Hubei神農溪ship drifting accident occurred, and eight Taiwanese tourists killed three boatman; in March 1996, Guangdong Fitto pleasure of a hot-air balloon out of control the city, visitors bring a Hong Kong woman died; in 1999 October, Shanghai Jinjiang Park a Taiwanese tourists died bungee jumping; October 3, 1999, Guizhou馬嶺河峽谷cable car crash occurred, 14 injuries ZI death. 6, and tourism management department (who) security travel security awareness has caused devastating tourism management attention. In: ① tourism management department noted that the tourist season, major festivals, major tourist activities and other special security issues during the period. 2000 "51" before the China National Tourism Administration issued the notice asking to do a good job of safety management to prepare and publish a complaints hotline tourism; the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision also in the "61" before the recreational facilities to carry out safety inspection; Tourism authorities at all levels more in 2000, the National Day "golden week" travel before the start of the warning system. ② tourists concerned about the safety of life may affect the environmental factors. Since 1995, with the exception of the National Tourism Administration official documents, Anhui, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Guizhou, the local Tourism Bureau also issued a "flood of tourism on the strengthening of the security work of the emergency notification," "on strengthening the work of tourist safety in production notice" , "on the strengthening of the safety of overseas tourists," which "on the strengthening of the security management of drifting." ③ tourism facilities and equipment to strengthen safety management and inspection. Chongqing Municipality in 1996, such as ground-breaking score to take the way of tourist attractions attractions of the facilities and equipment to carry out safety assessment. Nevertheless, the local tourism management in the tourism sector security awareness is still not even aware of the subjective error. Yang original (199 7) that at least two reasons (a security issue that has little to do with whether or not reported; II reported that the security issues will have an adverse effect on local), making 1993 "a major tourism safety incident reporting system the pilot scheme, "after the release of the implementation unsatisfactory, tourism safety incidents reported to the issue of delay is still widespread. In 1996, the China National Tourism Administration tourism safety incidents were received notification, reporting 25 cases, of which, tourism management departments reported only 6. Clearly, this understanding of the wrongful act on the safety of the master dynamic, timely and properly handle security incidents and the elimination of the adverse effects of tourism to improve the security environment in a serious obstacle.

Second, strengthening the idea of tourism safety management and Countermeasures

1, to strengthen macro-management of travel safety travel safety as a result of the sensitivity and negative nature, tourism, security issues have been easier to conceal or distort and the distortion, tourism can not cause security issues the full attention of the relevant departments. Therefore, effectively raise the awareness of travel safety management, to strengthen macro-management of tourist safety from the policies, laws and regulations to secure the development of indicators, such as funding for child support determined to do a good job in the management of tourist safety.

2, to enhance tourism safety and張榜published statistics on the one hand, tourism can create specialized statistical database security, on the other hand, with the public security departments, traffic departments, hospitals, the insurance sector to establish joint security information network. Statistical information is the basis for further study of the information problem is to find and solve problems so as to enhance pilot safety management. Tourism safety statistics should also be open to the community. This is at least the following advantages: First, is conducive to arouse the attention of tourists, to raise safety awareness among tourists; II, caused by management to strengthen the emphasis on safety management, as far as possible, to control the occurrence of security issues; three, education and urge the occurrence of security issues the sector (companies) in order to avoid the recurrence of similar problems.

3, the creation of specialized organizations to set up tourism safety management of the tourism safety management specialized agencies, by the person responsible, to ensure the safety of the management of the implementation of effective control over security issues. Although some administrative departments of tourism, tourism enterprises (mainly hotels) The establishment of the specialized agencies, but the local tourism sector, scenic spots and tourism enterprises, tourist security agencies have yet to be perfect.

4, the establishment of a social interaction system and the establishment of the establishment of tourism police led by the tourism administration departments, residents from the tourism, tourism professionals and tourism management, security management, community hospitals, fire, insurance, transportation and other multi-sectoral, multi-staff to participate in the community linkage system, the formation of a shared resource, society is concerned about the security situation in tourism. May consider setting up a tourism police, as a social interaction system of law enforcement forces.

5, this is the perfect travel insurance do a good job in the aftermath of safety incidents to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists assurance system of social interaction, tourism and rescue system. Travel insurance in China is not very perfect, so travel insurance system reform, the development of a variety of tourist-friendly insurance insurance travel insurance is one of the development. According to "travel accident insurance travel agencies Provisions" (China National Tourism Administration, 1 March, 1997 release), travel accident insurance is compulsory insurance. However, travel agents in the performance of the obligations of the mandatory At the same time, tourists may be on a voluntary basis in addition to the mandatory insurance other than accident insurance for travel insurance.

6, to strengthen the protection of medical and health tourism travel safety is also an important element, including tourism and foreign fixed-point travel medical, health, convalescent facilities, rehabilitation of tourist facilities or special tourism products, tourism, medical or health care area, the food and beverage places the management of food hygiene as well as the tourist destination, tourist areas, such as air quality indicators.

7, to enhance tourism safety publicity and education, to improve travel safety awareness to ensure that tourism security is one of the most effective means of public education. Travel safety awareness as a result of the status quo is not optimistic, tourism operators and managers do not fully understand the security of tourism importance of the tourism industry, some of the safety of tourists, there is no objective knowledge. A large extent, the safety of travel by tourists, tourism caused by the negligence of employees and, therefore, travel safety publicity and education is especially necessary. Publicity and education should not only for tourists but also for host communities and tourism professionals. The former can be a variety of travel and tourism employees notices of safety recommendations, such as to achieve their aims. Tourism safety publicity and education practitioners, including the contents of two parts: one for the safety of the dangers of travel and its relation to tourism, the tourism security incident handling.

8, construction of tourist security (Management) security disciplines in view of tourism activities in the tourism and the important position of the broad-ranging, systematic study of the gaps and the far-reaching impact on the development of tourism, the establishment and improvement of tourism safety and discipline is essential urgent. Its task is running on China's tourism industry in a comprehensive travel security issues in-depth analysis and research, to reveal the operation of tourist safety and the nature of the law, the creation of tourism safety management and control so as to arrive at an effective safety management Strategies and measures for the establishment of tourism safety management norms and standards provide a theoretical basis