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1。& ampvoid 0!= =參數[1]& amp;& amparguments[1],i=d.getInstance()。getValue();如果(我& amp& ampI .旗幟和標誌;& ampi.flags.changeFclickToBeacon){!函數(t){var n,i = arguments.length & gt1。& ampvoid 0!= =參數[1]& amp;& amparguments[1],r =新日期()。getTime();t & amp& amp(t.rand=r+Math.random()),函數(t){var e=!1;試試{ t & amp& amp導航者。& amp(e = navigator . send beacon(t))} catch(t){ } return e }(n =[I?v:p,g(t)]。加入("?))||e(n)}(t,n);return}e([n?v:p,g(t)]。加入("?))}(this.extend(this.env,{tag:"ps-js-error ",datetime:new Date()。getTime(),message:t.message,stack:t . stack })},support:function(t,e){ if(" function " = = type of t){ e = t;try { e()} catch(t){ this . report(t)} } else { var n = t[e];t[e]= function(){ for(var e = arguments . length,i=Array(e),r = 0;r0 } });return}var t=window.document,e =[];I . prototype . throttle _ time out = 100,i.prototype.POLL_INTERVAL=null,I . prototype . use _ MUTATION _ OBSERVER =!0,I . prototype . observe = function(t){ if(!這個。_ observationtargets . some(function(e){ return e . element = = t }){ if(!(t & amp& amp1==t.nodeType))拋出錯誤(" target必須是元素");這個。_registerInstance(),this。_ observation targets . push({ element:t,entry:null}),這個。_monitorIntersections(),this。_checkForIntersections()}},I . prototype . unobserve = function(t){ this。_observationTargets=this。_observationTargets.filter(函數(e){return e.element!=t}),這個。_ observation targets . length | |(this。_unmonitorIntersections(),this。_unregisterInstance())},I . prototype . disconnect = function(){ this。_observationTargets=[],this。_unmonitorIntersections(),this。_unregisterInstance()},I . prototype . takerecords = function(){ var t = this。_ queuedentries . slice();歸還這個。_queuedEntries=[],t},I . prototype . _ init thresholds = function(t){ var e = t | |[0];return Array.isArray(e)||(e=[e]),e.sort()。filter(function(t,e,n){if("number "!= type of t | | isNaN(t)| | t 1)throw Error(" threshold必須是0到1之間的數字,包括0和1 ");回t!==n[e-1]})},I . prototype . _ parserotmargin = function(t){ var e =(t | | " 0px ")。拆分(/\s+/)。map(function(t){var e=/^(-?\d*\。?\d+)(px|%)$/。exec(t);如果(!e)投擲誤差(“rootMargin必須以像素或百分比指定”);return { value:parse float(e[1]),unit:e[2]} };return e[1]= e[1]| | e[0],e[2]=e[2]||e[0],e[3]=e[3]||e[1],e},即prototype . _ monitor crossions = function(){!這個。_監控互動& amp& amp(這個。_monitoringIntersections=!0,這個。輪詢_間隔?這個。_ monitoring interval = setInterval(this。_checkForIntersections,this。POLL_INTERVAL):(r(window," resize ",這個。_checkForIntersections,!0),r(t,“卷軸”,這個。_checkForIntersections,!0),這個。使用_突變_觀察者& amp& amp窗口& amp中的"變異觀察者"。& amp(這個。_ DOM observer = new mutation observer(this。_checkForIntersections),這個。_domObserver.observe(t,{attributes:!0,子列表:!0,characterData:!0,子樹:!0}))))},I . prototype . _ unmonitorIntersections = function(){ this。_監控互動& amp& amp(這個。_monitoringIntersections=!1,clearInterval(這個。_monitoringInterval),這個。_monitoringInterval=null,o(window," resize ",this。_checkForIntersections,!0),o(t,“卷軸”,這個。_checkForIntersections,!0),這個。_ domObserver & amp& amp(這個。_domObserver.disconnect(),this。_domObserver=null))},I . prototype . _ checkForIntersections = function(){ var t = this。_rootIsInDom(),e=t?這個。_ getroot rect():a();這個。_ observationtargets . foreach(function(I){ var r = I . element,o=s(r),a=this。_rootContainsTarget(r),c=i.entry,u = t & amp& ampa & amp& amp這個。_ computetargetandroot intersection(r,e),l = I . entry = new n({ time:window . performance & amp;& amp性能. & amp& ampperformance.now(),target:r,boundingClientRect:o,rootBounds:e,intersect rect:u });c?t & amp& amp答?這個。_hasCrossedThreshold(c,l)& amp;& amp這個。_ queuedentries . push(l):c & amp;& ampc.isIntersecting & amp& amp這個。_queuedEntries.push(l):這個。_queuedEntries.push(l)},this),this。_ queuedEntries.length & amp& amp這個。_callback(this.takeRecords()、this)},I . prototype . _ computetargetandrootcurgence = function(e,n){if("none "!=window.getComputedStyle(e)。display){for(var i=s(e),r=u(e),o=!1;!o;){var a=null,c=1==r.nodeType?window . getcomputedstyle(r):{ };if("none"==c.display)返回;if(r==this.root||r==t?(o=!0,a=n):r!= t.body & amp& ampr!= t.documentElement & amp& amp“看得見”!溢出& amp& amp(a=s(r)),a & amp& amp!(i=function(t,e){var n=Math.max(t.top,e.top),i=Math.min(t.bottom,e.bottom),r=Math.max(t.left,e.left),o=Math.min(t.right,e.right),s=o-r,a = I-n;return s & gt= 0 & amp& ampa & gt= 0 & amp& amp{top:n,bottom:i,left:r,right:o,width:s,height:a}}(a,I)))break;r=u(r)}return i}},I . prototype . _ getRootRect = function(){ var e;if(this . root)e = s(this . root);else{var n=t.documentElement,I = t . body;e={top:0,left:0,right:n . client width | | I . client width,width:n . client width | | I . client width,bottom:n . client height | | I . client height,height:n . client height | | I . client height } }返回此。_ expandrectbyrootremargin(e)},I . prototype . _ expandrectbyrootremargin = function(t){ var e = this。_ rootmarginvalues . map(function(e,n){return"px"==e.unit?e.value:e.value*(n%2?t.width:t.height)/100}),n={top:t.top-e[0],right:t.right+e[1],bottom:t.bottom+e[2],left:t . left-e[3]};return n.width=n.right-n.left,n.height=n.bottom-n.top,n},I . prototype . _ hasCrossedThreshold = function(t,e){ var n = t & amp;& ampt.isIntersecting?t . intersection ratio | | 0:-1,i = e.isIntersecting?e . intersection ratio | | 0:-1;如果(n!= = I)for(var r = 0;(這)的再索引& amp& ampe.push(this)},I . prototype . _ unregister instance = function(){ var t = e . index of(this);-1!= t & amp& ampe.splice(t,1)},窗口。IntersectionObserver = i,window。IntersectionObserverEntry = n }函數n(t){this.time=t.time,this.target=t.target,this.rootBounds=t.rootBounds,this . bounding client rect = t . bounding client rect,this . intersect rect = t . intersect rect | | a(),this.isIntersecting =!!t.intersectionRectvar e=this.boundingClientRect,n=e.width*e.height,i = this.intersectionRect,r = I . width * I . height;n?this . intersection ratio = Number((r/n))。to fixed(4)):this . intersection ratio = this . is intersection?1:0 }函數i(t,e){var n,I,r,o = e | | { };if("函數"!=typeof t)拋出錯誤("回調必須是函數");如果(o.root & amp& amp1!=o.root.nodeType)拋出錯誤(" root必須是元素");這個。_checkForIntersections=(n=this。_ check for intersections . bind(this),i=this。THROTTLE_TIMEOUT,r=null,function(){ r | |(r = setTimeout(function(){ n(),r=null},i))},這個。_callback=t,這個。_observationTargets=[],this。_queuedEntries=[],這個。_rootMarginValues=this。_ parserotmargin(o . root margin),this.thresholds=this。_initThresholds(o.threshold),this.root=o.root||null,this.rootMargin=this。_ root margin values . map(function(t){ return t . value+t . unit })。join(" ")function r(t,e,n,I){ " function " = = type of t . addevent listener?t.addEventListener(e,n,i||!1):" function " = = type of t . attach event & amp;& ampt.attachEvent("on"+e,n)}function o(t,e,n,I){ " function " = = type of t . removeeventlistener?t.removeEventListener(e,n,i||!1):" function " = = type of t . detatchevent & amp;& ampt.detatchEvent("on"+e,n)}函數s(t){ var e;try { e = t . getboundingclientrect()} catch(t){ } return e?(例如,寬度和長度;& ampe.height||(e={top:e.top,right:e.right,bottom:e.bottom,left:e.left,width:e.right-e.left,height:e.bottom-e.top}),e):a()}函數a(){return{top:0,bottom:0,left:0,right:0,width:0,height:0 } }函數c(t,e){ for(var n = e;n;){if(n==t)return!0;n=u(n)}return!1 }函數u(t){ var e = t . parent node;返回e & amp& amp11==e節點類型& amp& ampe主機?主持人:e & amp& ampe.assignedSlot?e . assigned slot . parent node:e } }();var R= "觀察者";函數A(){ }函數C(t){var e=t.container,n=t.url,i = t.paramsthis.opts={container:e,url:n,params:void 0===i?{}:i},this . init()} C . prototype = { constructor:C,init:function(){var t=this,e = t . opts . container;t . observer = new intersection observer(t . observe CB . bind(t))、e & amp& amparray . prototype . slice . call(document . query selector all(e))。forEach(function(e){ t . observer . observe(e)})},observe:function(t){ this . observer . observe(t)},observe CB:function(t){ var e = this;t . foreach(function(t){ if(t . is intersection){ var n = t . target;如果(!n . getattribute(R)){ var I = e . combinedata(n);e.log(i),e.observer.unobserve(n),n.setAttribute(R,1)}}},combineData:function(t){ var e = this . opts . params,n = { data:{ } };for(var I in e)if(e . hasownproperty(I)){ var r = t . get attribute(e[I]);""!= = r & amp& amp(n.data[i]=r)}return n},log:function(t){ this . n click(t)},n click:function(t){ var e = this . opts . URL;t . rand = this . addrand();var n= " "。concat(e,"?).concat(this . encodesearchparams(t));this.imgRequest(n,t)},imgRequest:function(t,e){try{var n=e.rand,i = new Imagewindow[-IMAGE "+n]= I,I . onload = I . on error = I . onabort = function(){ I . onload = I . on error = I . onabort = null,i=null,window[-IMAGE "+n]= A },i.src=t}catch(t){}},addRand:function(){ return math . random()。toString(16)。slice(2,8)+Math.random()},encodeSearchParams:function(t){ var e =[];for(t中的var n)if(t . hasownproperty(n)){ var I = t[n];"對象" = =類型i & amp& amp(i=JSON.stringify(i)),e.push([n,encodeURIComponent(i)]。join(" = ")} return e . join(" & amp;)}};var x = { init:function(){ new C({ container:"[data-nvk]",url:"/udpl/exp ",params:{ exp:" data-nvk " } } };t.PARAMS={},t.init =函數(e){ t . PARAMS = e;var n= " "+t . params . result class;_(function(){r.init(n,t.PARAMS.imTimeSign),x.init()},!0),_(function(){O.init(),function(t,e){var n=Array.prototype.slice,I = { is listener:document . addevent listener,getOnEvent:function(t,e,n,I){ return function(r){ var r = r | | window . event;如果(!1===n.call(i||t,r,e,i))return r.preventDefault(),!1}}};I . addevent listener = I . is listener?函數(t,e,n,r,o){返回e=e.replace(/^on/i,""),t.addeventlistener(e,i.getonevent(t,e,n,r),!!o),t}:函數(t,e,n,r){返回e=e.replace(/^on/i,""),t.attachevent("on"+e,i.getonevent(t,e,n,r)),t};var r={getDom:function(t,n){ return arguments . length { { # jubao } }