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雲南旅遊景點推薦英文介紹 雲南旅遊必去的景點英文





雲南省以元江谷地和雲嶺山脈南段的寬谷為界,平均海拔在2000m左右。雲南東部旅遊的特色高原特色,分別為滇東、滇中高原,稱雲南高原,屬雲貴高原的西部。雲南這裏主要是波狀起伏的低山和渾圓丘陵,發育著各種類型的巖溶地貌,雲南西部為橫斷山脈縱谷區,高山與峽谷相間,雲南地勢雄奇險峻,其中以三江並流最為壯觀。這樣的地勢地貌也孕育出豐富多彩的自然生態景觀,也讓雲南有“彩雲之南”的美譽。雲南旅遊景點以其美麗、豐饒、神奇而著稱於世,壹向被外界稱為“秘境”,吸引著世界各地的遊客。 每年到雲南旅遊的遊客較多,主要的景點包括:麗江古城、瀘沽湖、蒼山洱海、香格裏拉、玉龍雪山、騰沖地熱火山、大理三塔、滇池等。

同時我們雲南還有很多的土特產,雲南山七這個是不能不說的好東西, 各種菌類,各種水果,墨江紫米,宣威火腿,大理泡梨,話梅,蜜餞,紮染、蠟染、小魚幹、普洱茶、普洱紅糖、景谷粽子、版納柚子、版納小包谷 , 更是數不勝數,當然千萬不能忘了我們全國銷量最大的雲南特產貓哆哩了。


Yunnan landform is bounded by the Yuan River Valley and Yunling mountains south of the valley, at an average altitude of about 2000m. Eastern Yunnan Diandong plateau, Yunnan, known as the Yunnan plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the West of. Yunnan here is the undulating hills and rounded hills, developed karst landform types, Western Yunnan to cross the mountain valley areas, mountains and valleys, Yunnan is magnificent, with Sanjiang and flows to the most spectacular. This landform also bred the natural ecological landscape rich and colorful, also let Yunnan " south of the clouds " in the world. Yunnan tourist attractions with its beautiful, rich, magic is known to the world, has always been known as the "secret ", attracts visitors from all over the world. Every year to the tourists in Yunnan is more, the main attractions include: Old Town of Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Cangshan, Erhai, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Shangri-La, Tengchong geothermal volcano, Dali three pagodas, Dianchi.

At the same time, we Yunnan there are many native products, mountain Yunnan seven this is not to say the good stuff, various fungi, all kinds of fruits, Mojiang purple rice, ham, Dali bubble pear, plum, candied fruit, tie-dye and batik, dried fish, Pu 'er tea tea Pu' er tea, brown sugar, Jinggu rice dumplings, grapefruit, Banna Banna small valley, it is beyond count, of course, do not forget our national sales of the largest specialty Yunnan cat duo miles.




I'm glad to hear you will come to China's Yunnan tourism.Let's me introduce my hometown for you.

The climate of Yunnan Province is in four seasons such as spring,and with moist summers .Yunnan Province has long hisory.The Dali and Lijiang are famous for well protected ancient city,the two citys are worth you visiting .Long histroy born so much delicious and idiomatical food,the Cross Bridge Rice Noodle is the most famous.

This is not the whole about the Yunnan Province.I'm truly looking forward to your arrival.




Yunnan province, referred to as yun or yunnan, is one of the 23 provinces in China.


Located in southwest China, the provincial capital kunming.


It borders guizhou and guangxi in the east, sichuan in the north, Tibet in the northwest, myanmar in the west, and Laos and Vietnam in the south.


Yunnan covers an area of 394,100 square kilometers.


The topography of yunnan province is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, descending step by step from north to south.


Mountain plateau terrain, mountain area accounted for 88.64% of the total area of the province.


The terrain is bounded by the yuanjiang valley and the wide valley in the southern section of yunling mountains.













Dali bai autonomous prefecture is located in the west of central yunnan province, with an altitude of 2090 meters. It is adjacent to chuxiong prefecture in the east, puer city and lincang city in the south, baoshan city and nujiang state in the west, and lijiang city in the north.

The ground spans 98°52 '~ 101°03' in the east longitude, 24°41 '~ 26°42' in the north latitude, east tour erhai sea, west and point cangshan vein, administration Dali city and xiangyun, yidu, binchuan, yongping, yunlong, eryuan, heqing, jianchuan eight counties and yangbi, weishan, nanjian three minority autonomous counties, is one of the early areas of southwest frontier development.

Located in the low latitude plateau, the four seasons temperature difference is not big, dry and wet season is clear, to the low latitude plateau monsoon climate, the territory to butterfly spring, cangshan, erhai, Dali ancient city, chongsheng temple three towers and other attractions are the most representative.










Shilin size, the Lions Pavilion, Jianfeng pool, Wang Feng Ting, Ashima, Old Town of Lijiang, the Quartet question, Lugu Lake, the island than in the Treasury, the Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunshaping small ropeways, Baishui River, Hanhai of
