當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游景点 - 自考旅遊英語教材翻譯,自考旅遊英語選讀重點?



實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯在旅遊業不斷發展的過程中,旅遊英語的對外交往逐漸受到了人們的重視。我精心收集了實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯,供大家欣賞學習!實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯1如何表達感覺不舒服第壹句:I feel sick.我感覺不舒服。A: You look pale. Are you OK?您臉色發白,沒事吧?B: I feel sick. I’m going to throw up.我不太舒服,我想吐。A: Do you? Let me get the airsick bag ready.是嗎?我幫您準備好嘔吐紙袋。第二句:Do you have any pills for airsickness?有治暈機的藥嗎?A: I see your seat light is on. May I help you?我看到您的座位燈亮了,我能幫您嗎?B: I’ve had a bad headache. Do you have any pills for airsickness?我頭痛得厲害,有治暈機的藥嗎?相關表達:旅途中由於疲勞,有時會感覺不舒服,尤其是在乘坐飛機時,經常會有暈機的情況發生,這時最好向乘務員說明。sick除了有“生病的”意思外,也有“想嘔吐”的意思,如果您直接表示想嘔吐,最好用vomiting或者throwing up。實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯2如何使用機內設備第壹句:Could you please tell me how to turn on the radio?請您告訴我怎麽開收音機,好嗎?A: Excuse me!勞駕!B: Yes, what can I do for you?我能幫您什麽?A: Could you please tell me how to turn on the radio?請您告訴我怎麽開收音機,好嗎?B: Oh, this is the button to turn on and off, and the one to the right is for changing channels; you can adjust volume using up and down.哦,這是開關鈕,右邊的鍵是調頻道的,您可以按上下鍵調節音量。第二句:I’m having trouble with my chair.我的椅子調不好。A: Excuse me, Miss. I’m having trouble with my chair.打擾壹下,小姐。我的椅子調不好。B: Let me see. I’ll push the button, and you pull it forward, please.讓我看看,我開按按鈕,妳向前推。A: May I unfasten my seatbelt, now?我現在可以解開安全帶嗎?B: Yes, sir. But we suggest that you wear it loosely buckled.可以,先生。但是我們建議您系著安全帶,把扣扣得松壹點。其他表達法:如果不清楚怎麽使用設備時可以問乘務員,或者像乘務員說明自己的要求等,相關的表達可能還會涉及到以下方面,比如說 May I have a blanket? 我能要個毯子嗎?This headset doesn’t work. 這個耳機不好用。May I use my computer in the cabin? 我能在飛機上使用計算機嗎?Do you sell duty-free goods on the flight? 妳們飛機上賣免稅商品嗎?實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯3如何請人照看行李第壹句:Could you keep an eye on my luggage?妳能幫我照看壹下行李嗎?A: Jenny, could you keep an eye on my luggage? I’m going to the washroom.珍妮,妳能幫我照看壹下行李嗎?我去下洗手間。B: Go ahead. I’ll look after it.去吧,我來照看。第二句:I wouder if you could help me look after the suitcase for a while.妳能暫時幫我照管壹下皮箱嗎?A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me look after the suitcase for a while. I’m going to get some water.請問我能暫時幫我照管壹下皮箱嗎?我去打點水。B: Go ahead.去吧!相關表達:請求別人照看東西,英文用keep an eye on,相當於中文的“稍微照看壹下”,而take care of 則是“細心保管”的意思。應註意的是,在公***場合行李不要交給不認識的人看管。

實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯在旅遊業不斷發展的過程中,旅遊英語的對外交往逐漸受到了人們的重視。我精心收集了實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯,供大家欣賞學習!實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯1如何表達感覺不舒服第壹句:I feel sick.我感覺不舒服。A: You look pale. Are you OK?您臉色發白,沒事吧?B: I feel sick. I’m going to throw up.我不太舒服,我想吐。A: Do you? Let me get the airsick bag ready.是嗎?我幫您準備好嘔吐紙袋。第二句:Do you have any pills for airsickness?有治暈機的藥嗎?A: I see your seat light is on. May I help you?我看到您的座位燈亮了,我能幫您嗎?B: I’ve had a bad headache. Do you have any pills for airsickness?我頭痛得厲害,有治暈機的藥嗎?相關表達:旅途中由於疲勞,有時會感覺不舒服,尤其是在乘坐飛機時,經常會有暈機的情況發生,這時最好向乘務員說明。sick除了有“生病的”意思外,也有“想嘔吐”的意思,如果您直接表示想嘔吐,最好用vomiting或者throwing up。實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯2如何使用機內設備第壹句:Could you please tell me how to turn on the radio?請您告訴我怎麽開收音機,好嗎?A: Excuse me!勞駕!B: Yes, what can I do for you?我能幫您什麽?A: Could you please tell me how to turn on the radio?請您告訴我怎麽開收音機,好嗎?B: Oh, this is the button to turn on and off, and the one to the right is for changing channels; you can adjust volume using up and down.哦,這是開關鈕,右邊的鍵是調頻道的,您可以按上下鍵調節音量。第二句:I’m having trouble with my chair.我的椅子調不好。A: Excuse me, Miss. I’m having trouble with my chair.打擾壹下,小姐。我的椅子調不好。B: Let me see. I’ll push the button, and you pull it forward, please.讓我看看,我開按按鈕,妳向前推。A: May I unfasten my seatbelt, now?我現在可以解開安全帶嗎?B: Yes, sir. But we suggest that you wear it loosely buckled.可以,先生。但是我們建議您系著安全帶,把扣扣得松壹點。其他表達法:如果不清楚怎麽使用設備時可以問乘務員,或者像乘務員說明自己的要求等,相關的表達可能還會涉及到以下方面,比如說 May I have a blanket? 我能要個毯子嗎?This headset doesn’t work. 這個耳機不好用。May I use my computer in the cabin? 我能在飛機上使用計算機嗎?Do you sell duty-free goods on the flight? 妳們飛機上賣免稅商品嗎?實用旅遊英語口語帶翻譯3如何請人照看行李第壹句:Could you keep an eye on my luggage?妳能幫我照看壹下行李嗎?A: Jenny, could you keep an eye on my luggage? I’m going to the washroom.珍妮,妳能幫我照看壹下行李嗎?我去下洗手間。B: Go ahead. I’ll look after it.去吧,我來照看。第二句:I wouder if you could help me look after the suitcase for a while.妳能暫時幫我照管壹下皮箱嗎?A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me look after the suitcase for a while. I’m going to get some water.請問我能暫時幫我照管壹下皮箱嗎?我去打點水。B: Go ahead.去吧!相關表達:請求別人照看東西,英文用keep an eye on,相當於中文的“稍微照看壹下”,而take care of 則是“細心保管”的意思。應註意的是,在公***場合行李不要交給不認識的人看管。
