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東方明珠廣播電視塔,又名東方明珠塔,是壹座位於中國上海的電視塔。坐落在中國上海浦東新區陸家嘴,毗鄰黃浦江,與外灘隔江相望。東方明珠塔是由上海現代建築設計(集團)有限公司的江歡成設計。建築動工於1991年,於1994年竣工,投資總額達8.3億元人民幣。高467.9米,亞洲第壹,世界第三高塔,僅次於加拿大的加拿大國家電視塔(553.3米)及俄羅斯的奧斯坦金諾電視塔(540.1米),是上海的地標之壹。東方明珠廣播電視塔由三根直徑為9米的擎天立柱、太空艙、上球體、下球體、五個小球、塔座和廣場組成。The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, also known as the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, is a TV tower in Shanghai, China. Is located in Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, adjacent to the Huangpu River, and the Bund across the Yangtze River. Oriental Pearl TV Tower is Shanghai Modern Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. Jiang Huan into the design. Construction started in 1991, completed in 1994, a total investment of 8.3 billion yuan. 467.9 meters high, in Asia, the world's third tower, behind Canada, Canada's National Tower (553.3 meters), and Russia's Ostankino Tower (540.1 meters), is one of Shanghai's landmarks.

外灘,位於上海市中心區的黃浦江畔,它是上海的風景線,是到上海觀光的遊客必到之地。外灘又名中山東壹路,全長約1.5公裏。東臨黃浦江,西面為哥特式、羅馬式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢風格各異的大樓,被稱為“萬國建築博覽群”。The Bund, located in the central district of Shanghai, Huangpu River, it is Shanghai's landscape is a must in Shanghai tourists to the land. The Bund, also known as Zhong Shan Dong Yi, total length of about 1.5 km. Huangpu River east, west, Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque style, such as Chinese and western wall of the building 52 of various styles, known as the "Wan State Building Expo Group."