當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游景点 - My visit to Hainan island 壹篇英語作文,初二水平,關於旅遊的景點介紹,和旅遊中發生的小事。我急用,請...

My visit to Hainan island 壹篇英語作文,初二水平,關於旅遊的景點介紹,和旅遊中發生的小事。我急用,請...

My trip to Singapore

In August 1st, has been to Singapore for second days, on this day, we wake up at five thirty is tour guide, because on this day, we will go to visit Singapore's most famous, the oldest school - Saint Nicholas girls', was originally thought to attend their flag-raising ceremony, but because we the he got up late, in addition to eat breakfast, so to be delayed, when we arrived, the school began to pray, could not attend their flag raising ceremony, we are very sorry, but, we will have to come to! Therefore, we also look cheerful!! From: the composition teacher help us well after the class, we'll start and little sisters to talk with my friend, named" Huang Kerui", she is much shorter than I, but one's spirits are flourishing., high 's nose on a pair of yellow glasses, she led me to them., very warm hospitality to me, told me that Singapore local customs and practices, material trade. Yes, but as Chinese speaks is also very good, in their courses, teachers are using Chinese and they talk, their Chinese language textbooks in China is the second grade children's textbooks, their learning content is mostly about the economic infrastructure, history education theme, but unlike us Chinese children just learning "the teacher taught books, student books, returning home after the students two pairs of eyes staring at a book". Moreover, in some regions of China, the idea is not to liberate think that women are inferior to men!! Singapore is about the equality of the sexes. Nine thirty after class, they took us to the restaurant, where the cuisine is very rich, what do you want to buy, and the price is also very humane. After ten thirty, back to the classroom to class, to 10points, they standing up, right hand placed on the chest, read silently pray prayer,5 minutes long, after they read a book, freedom, twelve thirty, is a real dinner time. Visited a school for girls, after a Chinese meal, we drove to the Singapore Science and Technology Museum, enter, all shocked, this is not a science and Technology Museum, is more like a magical and blurred palace, the furnishings inside let us see things in a blur, which impressed me most is the middle of the door" spray electric" pool, is the use of artificial power, but in the dark environment, power is varied, with" Z" shape, with" S" shape, with straight, with the arc. There are other model car, flash lights, changing the haunted house, in short, in the science and Technology Museum in 2.5 hours, I learned a lot of knowledge, I suggest that the students to help us increase the knowledge to go somewhere, such as: Science and Technology Museum, library, bookstore. In August 1st the journey would draw such a period, this one day event I think is rich and colorful.

8月1日,已經是到新加坡的第2天了,這壹天,我們5點30分就被導遊叫醒,因為這壹天我們將要去參觀新加坡最著名、歷史最悠久的的學校-----聖尼各拉女校,本來是想著能參加她們的升旗儀式的,可是由於我們這些大懶蟲起床起晚了,另外加吃早飯,所以就耽擱了,待我們到達的時候,學校的人都已經開始祈禱了,沒能參加她們的升旗儀式,我們都很遺憾,不過,我們明天還要來呢!所以,大家也就眉開眼笑了!!  來自:作文大全 老師幫我們分好班之後,我們就開始和新加坡的小妹妹們交談了,帶我的新加坡同學名叫“黃可芮”,她比我矮得多,但精神煥發,高挺的鼻梁上掛著壹副黃框眼鏡,她把我領到她們教室後,很熱情地招待我,告訴我新加坡的風土人情、物質貿易等。對了,可芮的華語講得也非常好,在她們的華語課上,老師都用華語與她們交談,她們的華語課本相當於中國二年級孩子的課本,她們的學習內容大多是關於經濟設施、歷史教育題材的,可不像我們中國孩子整天學的“老師教書本,學生啃書本,回到家後學生的兩雙眼睛死死的盯著書本”。更何況,在中國有的地區,男尊女卑的觀念還沒解放!! 新加坡講究的是男女平等。9點30分,她們上完課之後帶我們去餐廳吃東西,那裏的菜肴豐盛極了,想吃什麽自己買,而且價格也很人道。吃完後,10點30分回教室繼續上課,到了10點的時候,她們起身站立,右手放在胸前,默默地念著天主經,祈禱時長5分鐘,完了之後,他們自由看書,12點30分,才是真正的開飯時間了。參觀了半天的女校,吃過中餐後,我們驅車前往新加坡科技館,壹進入大門,所有人都驚呆了,這完全不是科技館,更像是壹座神奇迷離的宮殿,裏面的陳設讓我們眼花繚亂,其中給我印象最深的是大門正中的“噴電”池,利用的是人工采電,但是在漆黑的環境裏,電可謂是多種多樣,有“Z”字形的,有“S”形的,有 直線形的,有弧形的。其他的還有模型轎車、閃色夜光燈,多變鬼屋等,總之,在科技館的2個半小時裏,我學到了很多知識,建議同學們多去有利於我們增長知識的地方走走,如:圖書館、科技館、書店等。 8月1日的旅程就這樣畫上了句點,這壹天的活動我認為是豐富多彩的。