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<50分> 簡單的英文合同翻譯


Article 2. Term

第2款 協議期限

2.1 This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by the parties hereto and shall continue in force for 12 months from the execution date of the Agreement unless earlier terminated under Article 3.



2.2 This term may be amended by the parties mutual agreement, if required, during the performance of the Services hereunder.

2.2 在服務於以後進行過程中,如果需要,此協議期限由雙方相互同意可以修正。

Article 3. Termination

第3款 終止

3.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party commits a material breach of this Agreement and such breach is either not curable, or not cured by defaulting party within (15) days from the date when the defaulting party received the written notice from the non-defaulting party, or if either party making an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or being adjudged bankrupt, or insolvent, or filing any petition seeking for itself any arrangement for dissolution and liquidation of its interests.

3.1 任壹方都可以終止此協議,條件是1)另壹方犯有重大違約,而且這樣的違約不是可以治愈的,或者說,這樣的違約,違約方不能在其從非違約方那裏收到書面通知之日起的15天內治愈,或者2)任壹方因為債權人的利益而做了轉讓,或被判定為破產者或無力償還者,或正在填寫請求書為自己尋求解散和清算自己股權的安排。

3.2 Notwithstanding foregoing, Part A may terminate at any time this Agreement by giving to Part B thirty days prior written termination notice without any reason.

3.2 盡管有上述情況,但A方仍可無需任何理由地在任何時候終止此協議,只要提前30天向B方提交書面終止通知即可。

3.3 If this Agreement is terminated for any reason attributable Part A before the term expires, Part A will pay the costs and expenses actually used and incurred in accordance with the Part B’s prompt written report within the limitation of Consultant Fee.

3.3 如果本協議在協議期限結束前因A方的任何原因而終止,A方將按照顧問費責任範圍內B方的即時書面報告支付實際使用和招致的成本和花費。

3.4 If this Agreement is terminated for any reason attributable Part B before the term expires, Part B will pay ten percent (10%) of the Consultant Fee as liquidated damages.

3.4 如果本協議在協議期限結束前因B方的任何原因而終止,B方將支付顧問費的10%作為約定的損失賠償。

Article 4. Consultant Fee

第4款 顧問費

4.1 In consideration of the Service rendered by Part B, Part A agrees to pay Part B CNY500,000 as Part B’s consultant fee (“Consultant Fee”) against Part B’s invocies.

4.1 考慮到B方實施的服務,A方同意向B方支付50萬元人民幣作為B方針對B方發票的顧問費(顧問費)。

4.2 The Consulatant Fee shall be paid to Part B by the end of December.

4.2 此顧問費應在12月底支付給B方。

Article 5. Reimbursable Expenses

第5款 可收回開支

5.1 Following expenses incurred by Part B relating to this Agreement (“Reimbursable Expenses”) shall be reimbursed by Part A to Part B subject to the Part A’s prior written consent for which Part B shall provide Part A with the ten(10)days prior written notice describing the situation and estimated Reimbursable Expenses:

a. Travel (business class international), accommodation;

b. translation, and communication;




5.2 Part B shall provide Part A with the invoice for Reimbursable Expenses together with the detailed record for and documents evidencing such Reimbursable Expenses, and the Reimbursable Expenses shall be made concurrently with the invoice for the Consultant Fee specified in Article 4. Part B shall keep the record for all Reimbursable Expenses on a generally recognized accounting basis and such record for Reimbursable Expenses shall be available to Part A or Part A’s authorized representative for review.

5.2 B方應向A方提供可收回支出的發票,附有有關這些可收回支出的詳細記錄和證明這些可收回支出的文件,而可收回支出應與第4款規定的顧問費的發票並行進行。B方應在公認的會計準則基礎上保留關於所有可收回支出的記錄,而且這些可收回支出的記錄應該可提供給A方,或者A方的授權的代表以供審查。

5.3 Notwithstanding foregoing, all Reimbursable Expenses shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of total Consultant Fee

5.3 盡管有上述情況,但所有可收回支出應不超過總顧問費的10%。