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Linfen is a prefecture-level city in southernShanxi province, People's Republic of China. It is situated along the banks of the Fen River. It has an area of 20,275 square kilometres (7,828 sq mi) and according to the 2010 Census, a population of 4,316,612 inhabitants of which 944,050 live in the built-up (or metro) area made up of Yaodu urban district. It was known as Pingyang (平陽) during the Spring and Autumn Period.

Prior to 1978, Linfen was famous for its spring water, greenery and rich agriculture and therefore nicknamed "The Modern Fruit and Flower Town". Since then it has been developing into a main industrial center for coal mining, which has been seriously damaging the city's environment, air quality, farming, health and its past status as a green village.









堯,據說是帝嚳的兒子,黃帝的五世孫,名放勛,號陶(音yao)唐氏,是我國原始社會末期的壹個古帝。孔子在《論語 . 泰伯》中說:“惟天為大,唯堯側之。蕩蕩乎,民無能名焉”。可見堯王好事無量,眾民戀慕。




廣運殿亦稱堯宮,是召見眾臣***商國是的地方,也是廟內的主體修建。始建於唐顯慶三年,距今已有壹千三百多年的歷史。殿高二十三米,通進深二十六點三米,通面寬四十三米。殿內有十二米通頂立柱四十二根。柱下石基座鐫刻精細,獅子、麒麟栩栩如生,各式花卉竟鬥可妍,實為海內稀有。大殿龕內,有高達二米八的唐塑堯王像,兩邊站著兩位宰相和兩位閣老。堯王,據說姓伊,是堯廟南八裏伊村人。伊村現尚存刻有“帝堯茅茨土階”的石碑。相傳堯王以前就住在土階上的茅草屋子裏。《韓非子 . 五蠹》中寫道:堯王住的茅草屋,吃的野菜根,不加調味,用土缸盛飲水,粗布僅掩身體,冬天披鹿皮,衣履不到破爛不堪不換。可見堯王的生活十分艱辛。













壹、Taiyuan --'Metropolis of Cathy'

Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. Ideally situated in the Taiyuan Basin in the central part of the province, it is bordered by the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west. The Fenhe River flows through the city.

Taiyuan has grown into a booming industrial city in the past few decades. Its network of railway lines provides a link to all parts of the country, and its coal and steel industries occupy an important position in China's industries system.

The turbulent history of Taiyuan can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period more that two thousand years ago. But it was not until the Tang Dynasty, about one thousand years ago, that Taiyuan really became Known as a "metropolis of Cathay." The first empress in Chinese history, Wu Zetian (624-705), was born here. When she came to power, she appointed Minister Cui Shenqing as governor of Bingzhou (Taiyuan). He was instructed to have a bridge built over the Fenhe River to connect the towns of Xicheng (West City) and Dongcheng (East city), making Taiyuan a true metropolis.

With its mountains and its river, Taiyuan was an important military town for which war strategists of various dynasties contested. For more than a thousand years, many battles were fought here. In A.D. 975 Zhao Guanyi of the Song Dynasty dispatched 400,000 troops to conquer Taiyuan. In view of the fact that local forces of various dynasties often set up separatist regimes by force of arms, he had the town burned down completely because of what he believed were "unduly great ambitions to rule here." Seven years later (A.D. 982), general Li Mei of the Song Dynasty began the reconstruction of the town, establishing the city of Taiyuan as we know it today.

二、Memorial Temple of Jin (Jinsi)

This temple is located at the fountainhead of the Jinshui River twenty five kilometers southwest of the city of Taiyuan. The weather here is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the land is beautiful. Ancient buildings, blue springwater, and superb clay sculpture have been attractions to tourists for centuries.

Legend says that the Memorial Temple of Jin was first built in the twelfth century B.C. The first attraction here is the "Immortal Spring," so named because the spingwater has flowed steadily for centuries. If you walk along the spring and down the stone steps, you will find a big pool of crystal-clear water that gushes out from the walls. Bypassing the pool, you will come to the uniquely constructed "Flying Bridge over the Fish Pond Spring" in front of the Hall of Holy Mother (Shengmudian). This double wooden bridge in the shape of a cross is supported by thirty-four stone posts embedded in the spring. Crossing the bridge you come to the Hall of Holy mother, the center of the temple. The Holy Mother was regarded as the noble model of motherhood in feudal Chinese society. Flanking the sculpture of Holy Mother is an array of forty-two young maidens, each with distinct expression and posture. They are perfect examples of the skill of the Song Dynasty. Not far from the hall is a grove of ancient cypress trees, once of which is said to have been planted during the Western Zhou Dynasty, making it more than two thousand years old.

三、Lofty Benevolence Monastery (Chongshansi)

This monastery is located in the southern part of the city of Taiyuan. Of Ming architecture, the monastery has an area of 140,000 square meters. It was damaged by fire in 1864, and only a gate, a bell tower, two side rooms, and the Hall of Great Mercy are left. The magnificent hall contains three 8.5- meter-tall statues of Buddha. The monastery is a repository for Song and Yuan editions of Buddhist texts.

四、Tianlongshan Grottoes

There are twenty-one grottoes halfway up Tianlong Mountain. Forty kilometers southwest of Tianyuan. They were carved during the Wei, Qi, Sui, and primarily, Tang dynasties. The stone Buddhist statues are lifelike examples of fine workmanship.

五、Longshan Grottoes

Located at the top of Longshan Mountain twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Taiyuan, these are among the few Taoist grottoes in China. There are eight niches, with more than forty statues, carved during the early years of the Yuan Dynasty.

六、Xuanzhong Monastery

Located on Shibi Mountain in Jiaocheng County southwest of Taiyuan, this monastery, also known as Wanbi Monastery, has an area of six thousand squares meters. It is surrounded with steep mud brick walls and stately cypress trees. The monastery was first built I 472 during the Northern Wei Dynasty. The beautiful area is sacred to Buddhist. In fact, Japanese Buddhists regard it as the "ancestral" monastery, and visit it as pilgrims.

七、Shuanglin Monastery

This monastery is located north of Qiantou Village in Pingyao County to the south of Taiyuan. It was first built during the Northern Wei Dynasty. Its ten halls contain a treasury of painted sculpture, with 2,052 painted statues of Buddha from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Note especially the four mighty and awe inspiring Devarajas (Heavenly Guardians) and the eighteen arhats with their individual expressions and postures