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Belgium museum exhibition covers an area of rendering Belgium will reach 5250 square meters, including the exhibition hall. "The main exhibition hall will adopt a brain structure. It also implies brain ", "three traditional culture in Belgium as Europe - Latin, the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles.

展館名稱: 中國2010年上海世博會比利時國家館

展館位置: 世博園區C片區

展館主題: 比利時館:運動和互動

造型亮點: 腦細胞(神經元)

建築面積: 5250平米(1000平米給歐盟)

開工時間: 2009年8月5日

設計者: JV Realys(AOS集團)與Interbuild

場館類型: 自建館

國家館日: 6月13日

確認參展時間: 2006年10月

簽訂合同時間: 2008年8月5日

Hall name: the world expo 2010 Shanghai, China national museum in Belgium

Position: expo garden exhibition area C

Theme: exhibition hall: sports and interaction in Belgium

Modelling of brain neurons) (highlights:

Building area 1,000 square meters, 5250 square meters (to the)

Working hours: on August 5, 2009

Architect: the JV Realys (AOS group) and Interbuild

Venue: self-built museum

National library: June 13

Confirm the time: October 2006

Sign the contract time: on August 5, 2008




Belgium - the museum is mild, calm and novelty, charming architectural appearance of interior decoration make contrast. Main USES "brain" exhibition, "the structure of neurons in the brain" inspiration from Belgium abundant art and science, as well as the achievements of European political center. Positive external exhibition will use transparent glass material, the other three will be closed using exterior surface of metal plate wall. Hall has two entrances, a Belgian galleries, one is the area of the entrance.



Hall appearance

"Brain" structure is the museum of Belgium - the overall design concept, "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. "Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles. Building exterior, huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind practicability.


首先,比利時-歐盟館將是壹個生機勃勃的時尚展館,展現比利時以其友好的投資環境構成的理想居住地。比利時-歐盟館將通過美食來分享這些經驗,展館內比利時啤酒咖啡館供應各類啤酒,現場還可以品嘗享譽世界的巧克力,館內同時還將開設壹家米其林比利時VIP餐廳。其次,比利時-歐盟館將舉辦超過150個研討會和大型會議,並常設精美且享受盛譽的鉆石展。比利時探險家Alain Hubert遠征南極洲的第壹手經驗、比利時大學有關未來綠色經濟的學術研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展館的精彩內容。

Display content

Firstly, the Belgian - eu pavilion will is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium - eu pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the museum will be held in Belgium - more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.


鉆石光芒閃耀展館 為了展示超過550年的“鉆石之都”安特衛普,參觀者可在展館中欣賞到來自安特衛普鉆石博物館的10件最負盛名的鉆石珠寶,以及世界聞名的ECC獎杯。ECC獎杯是壹個價值超過100萬歐元的鉆石網球拍,由6公斤的黃金和1600顆鉆石打造而成。館內還設有“裸鉆廳”。參觀者不僅可以當場購買裸鉆並請技師將鉆石鑲嵌到飾品上,而且還將獲得含有世博元素的鉆石證書。此外,每天還將設有2小時的打磨鉆石“表演”。


Diamonds shine light exhibition in order to show more than 550 years "diamond" Antwerp, visitors can enjoy in the exhibition in museum of diamonds from the royal Antwerp the 10 most prestigious diamond jewelry, and the world famous ECC trophy. ECC trophy is a value of more than 100 million euros from the tennis racket, diamond 6 kg of gold and 1,600 diamond building. The library is equipped with "naked drill hall". Visitors can not only on the bare drill and please buy diamonds inlaid engineer to jewelry, but also will contain elements of diamond expo. In addition, every day will have 2 hours of polishing diamonds "performance".



Chocolate factory delicious scent

For hundreds of years, the Belgian chocolate owing to its unique flavor and excellent design all over the world. The expo, Belgium - the stadium will build a dreamy "chocolate factory". Some chocolate will be made in Shanghai, such as the Oriental pearl landmarks. The top four from Belgian chocolate brand manufacturers GeDi watts, cobolli gigli Ephraim, Howe, Barry, jia le beau to garrison, 70 chocolate technician will make the chocolate. The museum every day Belgium - 2.5 million is expected to provide independent packing Belgian chocolate, let visitors free taste authentic Belgian chocolates.


June 2009, 3 days afternoon, Shanghai world expo Belgian national museum seminar was held in Shanghai. Reporter in promotion meeting understands, covers an area of 52.5 square pavilion will include 1,000 square meters in Belgium, the exhibition hall of the European Union by "brain" as the main structure and performance of Europe and Belgium and rich artistic connotation of the development of human civilization and wisdom crystallization of scientific achievements.


The Belgian theme "movement and interactive exhibition", the side wall will use transparent glass material, the other three will extend the sheet metal forming, the exhibition is not enclosed facade European hall, Belgium hall and the community and area of exhibition location, provide various social and meeting place, including restaurants, bars and VIP exhibition center, in the slippery course will hang on, moving in the exhibition hall, which show different areas inside and outside the image and Belgium open attitude and cultural harmonious coexistence, hall inside an atmosphere, no internal and external boundary square, who know how to enjoy life in Belgium, "the concept of".

比利時政府總代表Leo F.W. Delcroix饒有興致的告訴記者比利時以巧克力和鉆石聞名於世,因此在上海世博會期間,頂級鉆石展將亮相比利時館,屆時,來自世界各地的鉆石設計師們將帶來他們的作品,其中更包括了十幾位來自中國的設計師,兩國的時尚模特也將登場助興,他表示鉆石展不用於商業目的,接下來他們將與中國相關部門溝通,通過鉆石展為建設希望小學募集資金,當記者提到保險問題時,他表示比利時已經在“認真考慮這壹問題”。

The Belgian government always represent the interest Delcroix F.W. Leo told reporters in chocolate and diamond in Belgium, so famous in Shanghai world expo, top diamond will debut, Belgium, from around the world will bring the diamond designers of their works, including a dozen more from China, the designer of the two countries will debut christmas-to fashion models, he says diamond not used for commercial purposes, then they will communicate with related departments in China, through the diamond exhibition for building the hope school raise funds and insurance when reporters mentioned in Belgium, he said in "seriously considering this problem".

另壹個記者非常感興趣的話題則是Leo F.W. Delcroix提到的“巧克力工廠”,據他介紹,比利時館將復制壹個夢幻般的“巧克力工廠”,在工廠中,參觀者能看到巧克力的制作過程,甚至能免費品嘗比利時巧克力,壹些巧克力將被做成上海地標建築如東方明珠的形狀,說到這裏,他調皮的眨了眨眼睛,表示“參觀者能免費嘗到正宗的比利時巧克力,但他們必須控制自己的胃口”。

Another reporter is very interested in the topic is Delcroix F.W. Leo mentioned "chocolate factory", according to him, Belgium pavilion will copy a dreamy chocolate factory ", "in factories, visitors can see the production process, even chocolate can taste the free Belgian chocolate, some chocolate will be made Shanghai landmarks such as the Oriental pearl shape, here, he naughty blinked, said" visitors can free taste authentic Belgian chocolate, but they must control appetite.

Leo F.W. Delcroix告訴記者,比利時館每天下午將舉行抽獎活動,就歐洲和比利時概況問答比賽的優勝者進行抽獎,每天將有壹名幸運兒贏得去比利時旅遊的機會,而每周也將舉行壹場類似活動,優勝者有機會贏得比利時出產的鉆石。

Leo F.W. Delcroix tells a reporter, Belgium hall will be held every afternoon, Europe and lucky winners of Belgium quiz on general every day, there will be a lucky win a lucky chance to Belgium tourism, and will hold a similar activities, the winner has a chance to win the Belgian produce diamond.

“腦細胞”結構是比利時館的整體設計理念,Leo F.W. Delcroix表示用該形象代表比利時最為恰當,因為“腦細胞”能表現出比利時“歐洲首都”的獨特地位,同時它能夠引起參觀者的好奇,讓他們饒有興致地探索比利時豐富的文化形式和內涵。

"Brain" structure is the overall design concept of Belgium, Leo Delcroix F.W. with the image represents Belgium said the most appropriate, because "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation.


"Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and the role of brain ", "the light and color changes will naturally in Shanghai at night.


The external design to reveal the belgians peculiar pragmatic and rigorous spirit, which brought exuberant, organic "brain" design to form bright contrast. Huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind is practical, in the public square, designed for planting trees to provide a comfortable visitors, to hold a series of square in here.


On August 5th in 2009, the Belgian national museum in the afternoon at the park pudong ceremony. By 2010, an area 5000 square meters, with "brain" as the main structure of the exhibition will appear on the huangpu river. Visitors can see in the exhibition hall, top diamond "chocolate factory" and the polar research etc, experience the wonderful show in Belgium and throughout Europe and generous artistic heritage.

比利時副首相兼商務部長Didier Reynders,上海市政府副秘書長、世博局局長洪浩,比利時展區總代表戴明哲,比利時駐上海總領事裴澤東,歐盟駐華代表團政務參贊孟葛嵐等出席奠基儀式,並與比利時館的中國建設者們壹起按下手印,比利時館內將有壹堵墻用於這些手印的展示。

Belgium's deputy prime minister and minister of commerce, Didier Reynders Shanghai municipal government, deputy secretary-general of the expo, hong DaiMingZhe general representative area, Belgium, Belgium in Shanghai, the general PeiZeDong delegation attended GeLan meng e-government counselor etc, and Belgium foundation stone laying ceremony of China with the builder press handprint, Belgium museum will have a wall used for these fingerprints.


Belgium museum in 2009, complete construction before the end of March 2010. Finish layout Belgium hall overall design concept for the "brain", the exhibition will be adopted to structure, easy disassembly and recycling of architecture. In order to adapt to the Shanghai warm humid climate, the exhibition will be spread by three external appearance of closed. The European Union, not only contain exhibition will also provide including restaurants, bars and VIP center, comfortable meeting place.

比利時展區總代表戴明哲介紹說,比利時非常有信心向公眾呈現壹個迷人的展館。首先,比利時館將是壹個生機勃勃的時尚展館,展現比利時以其友好的投資環境構成的理想居住地。比利時館將通過美食來分享這些經驗,展館內比利時啤酒咖啡館供應各類啤酒,現場還可以品嘗享譽世界的巧克力,館內同時還將開設壹家米其林比利時VIP餐廳。其次,比利時展館將舉辦超過150個研討會和大型會議,並常設精美且享受盛譽的鉆石展。比利時探險家Alain Hubert遠征南極洲的第壹手經驗、比利時大學有關未來綠色經濟的學術研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展館的精彩內容。

Belgium DaiMingZhe said chief representative of exhibition, Belgium very confident to present an attractive public exhibition. Firstly, the Belgian museum is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the Belgian exhibition will be held for more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.
