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永州藍山旅遊景點介紹英文 湖南永州藍山旅遊地區












用英文介紹長沙湘江 急求

湘江,長江流域洞庭湖水系。是湖南省最大河流。湘江,其源頭有4種說法:壹是傳統的正源(俗稱東源)為廣西壯族自治區興安縣白石鄉的石梯,河源為海洋河,北流至興安縣分水塘與靈渠匯合稱湘江;二是南源,廣西壯族自治區靈川縣海洋鄉龍門界;三是廣西興安縣南部白石鄉境內海洋山脈的近峰嶺,河源稱上桂河(白石河),往東流至西波江口稱湘江;四是湖南省永州市藍山縣紫良瑤族鄉藍山國家森林公園的野狗嶺,河源為瀟水,在永州市的萍島匯合廣西來水稱湘江。學界較流行的說法是白石河源。流經湖南省永州市、衡陽市、株洲市、湘潭市、長沙市,至嶽陽市的湘陰縣註入長江水系的洞庭湖。如海洋河為源,湘江幹流全長844公裏, 流域面積94660平方公裏

湘江之源,舊時有二種說法,壹說湘江發源於廣西壯族自治區靈川縣的海洋山(古稱海陽山)。《水經註疏》 記載:“湘水出零陵始安縣陽海山。”清錢邦芑的《湘水考》記載:“湘水,源出廣西桂林府興安縣海陽山,山居靈川、興安之界上,多奇峰絕壑,泉水之始出也,其流僅可濫觴。”二說湘江發源於唐公背嶺等處大山。唐兆民的《靈渠文獻粹編》記載:“歷史上著名的海陽山,並不是指那位於海洋坪田疇間高不過20丈,周圍不到1裏的龍母巖,而是指逶迤於興安縣城西偏南的宋代稱柘山或稱郁金山,現代稱唐公背嶺、香爐界、東山及綿亙於興安縣、靈川縣界上的長崗嶺等處的山。山南有流經富田垌、毫溪田等地至太平堡,此即湘江源流,稱西波江。”






The Blue Mountains is a mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia. It borders on Sydney's metropolitan area, its foothills starting approximately 50 kilometres west of the state capital.The area begins on the west side of the Nepean River and extends westward as far as Coxs River.Consisting mainly of a sandstone plateau, the area is dissected by gorges up to 760 metres deep. The highest point of the range is 1,190 metres above sea level. A large part of the Blue Mountains is incorporated into the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Site, consisting of seven national park areas and a conservation reserve.The Blue Mountains area includes the local government areas of the City of Blue Mountains, the City of Hawkesbury, the City of Lithgow and Oberon. The predominant natural vegetation of the higher ridges is eucalyptus forest. Heath-like vegetation is present on plateau edges above cliffs. The sheltered gorges often contain temperate rainforests. There are also many hanging swamps with button grass reeds and thick, deep black soil. Wollemia nobilis, the "Wollemi pine", a relic of earlier vegetation of Gondwana, is found in remote and isolated valleys of the Wollemi National Park.The main natural disasters to afflict the area are bushfires and severe storms. In recent years the lower mountains has been subjected to a series of bushfires which have caused great loss of property but relatively little loss of life. The upper mountains had not had a major fire for some decades until December 2002 (the Blackheath Glen Fire) and November 2006 when an extensive blaze in the Grose Valley threatened several communities including Bell and Blackheath (the Lawson Long Alley Fire). This latest fire burned for almost a month but was extinguished without loss of human life or property. A program of winter burning seems to have been quite successful in reducing fires in the upper mountains. The Greater Blue Mountains Area was unanimously listed as a World Heritage Area by UNESCO on 29 November 2000, becoming the fourth area in New South Wales to be listed.The area totals roughly 10,000 square kilometres, including the Blue Mountains, Kanangra-Boyd, Wollemi, Gardens of Stone, Yengo, Nattai and Thirlmere Lakes National Parks, plus the Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve.The reason why this site was chosen to be included on the World Heritage list is quoted below:“"Criteria (ii) and (iv): Australia’s eucalypt vegetation is worthy of recognition as of outstanding universal value, because of its adaptability and evolution in post-Gondwana isolation. The site contains a wide and balanced representation of eucalypt habitats from wet and dry sclerophyll, mallee heathlands, as well as localised swamps, wetlands, and grassland. 90 eucalypti tax (13% of the global total) and representation of all four groups of eucalypts occur. There is also a high level of endemism with 114 endemic taxa found in the area as well as 120 nationally rare and threatened plant tax. The site hosts several evolutionary relic species (Wollemia, Microstrobos, Acrophyllum) which have persisted in highly restricted micro sites." Tourist attractionsThe Edge Cinema offers visitors a panoramic view of the Blue Mountains.The Giant Staircase walking track runs down a cliff into the Jamison Valley, near the Three Sisters, providing access to nature walks through the valley.Jenolan Caves, a series of limestone caves south west of Katoomba.The Katoomba Scenic Railway, the steepest railway in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, and originally part of the Katoomba mining tramways constructed between 1878 and 1900. The cable railway line descends 415 metres through sandstone cliffs, via a rock tunnel with a maximum gradient of 52 degrees. Also, at this location is the Scenic Skyway, a glass-bottom aerial cable car that traverses an arm of the Jamison Valley, and the Scenic Cableway, the steepest aerial cable car in Australia.The Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum at Faulconbridge, operated by The National Trust of Australia and is located inside the former Norman Lindsay homestead, Springwood.The Toy Museum at Leura.Valley Heights Locomotive Depot Heritage Museum.The Zig Zag Railway: A steam-powered railway near Lithgow.A popular way to visit the Blue Mountains is by coach. True Blue tours are one of a few coach tour providers.


大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef悉尼歌劇院 Sydney opera house艾爾斯巖石 Ayers Rock悉尼海港大橋 Sydney Harbour Bridge情人港 Darling Harbour以上是澳洲比較著名的景點,希望對妳有幫助~~望采納




急速!加拿大安省(應該是安大略省的) 藍山(blue mountain)的介紹。I want to go there in this summer


Blue Mountain (Ontario):

Blue Mountain, or The Blue Mountains, is a visually prominent section of the Niagara Escarpment located west of Collingwood in Grey and Simcoe Counties in Southern Ontario, Canada, rising to heights of over 300 metres (1000’) above the land and Georgian Bay. Many activities and natural beauty abound in the area such as biking, skiing, snowboarding and hiking. Wedged between the mountain and the bay communities include Clarksburg, Craigleith,Thornbury and the Town of the Blue Mountains. High-end homes are built on the mountain as well. On a clear day, one can view the entire bowl shape of the southern end of Georgian Bay, to the east the Wasaga Beaches, the town of Collingwood and to the north the distant shorelines of the bay. Blue Mountain's name comes from the unusually blue clay that can be found around the mountain.