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可愛和明亮在5月份時,水稻種植,是這壹天男爵長腿被告知他的張伯倫,跳壹跳,這對明天他的貴族身份的隨從將願意陪伴他們的碩士 , 他worshipful旅程Yedo 。 This Lord Long-legs was a noble who ruled over four acres of rice-field and whose revenue was ten thousand rice-stalks. 這主長的腿是壹項崇高誰統治4英畝的稻田 , 其營業收入為 1.0 萬水稻稭稈。 His personal retinue, who were all Grasshoppers, like himself, numbered over six thousand, while his court consisted of many nobles, such as Mantis, Beetle, and Pinching-bug. 他的個人隨從,誰都是蝗蟲,像他自己,人數超過6000 ,而他的法院包括許多貴族,如螳螂,甲蟲,和拼擠,臭蟲。 The maids of honor who waited on his Queen Katydid, were Lady-bugs, Butterflies, and Goldsmiths, and his messengers were Fire-flies and Dragon-flies. 女仆的榮譽誰等待他的皇後螞,是聖母錯誤,蝴蝶,和哥德史密斯,和他的使者被消防蒼蠅和龍蒼蠅。 Once in a while the Beetle was sent on an errand; but the stupid fellow had a habit of running plump into things, and bumping his head so badly that he always forgot what he was sent for. 偶爾甲蟲發出辦事;但愚蠢的研究員已經習慣運行豐滿到的事情,他的頭撞很大 , 他總是忘了他發出的。 Besides these, Lord Long-legs had a great many servants in the kitchen —such as Grubs, Spiders, Toads, and Worms. 除了這些,主長腳了許許多多的仆人在廚房裏,如蠐螬,蜘蛛,蟾蜍,和蠕蟲。 The entire population of his dominion, including the common folks, numbered several millions, and ranked all the way from Horse-flies down to Ants, Mosquitoes, and Ticks. 全體人民的統治,其中包括***同朋友,有幾百萬美元,排名壹路從馬蠅 , 以螞蟻,蚊子和扁虱。

Many of his subjects were very industrious and produced fine fabrics, which, however, were seized and made use of by great monsters, called Men. 他的許多議題都非常勤勞 , 制作精細織物,然而,被沒收和利用的巨大怪物,要求男性。 The silver-gray worms kept spinning-wheels in their heads. They had a fashion of eating mulberry leaves, and changing them into fine threads, called silk. 在銀灰色的蠕蟲不斷旋轉車輪在他們的頭上。他們有壹個時尚的飲食桑葉,並改變它們納入罰款線程,稱為絲綢。 The Wasps made paper, and the Bees distilled honey. There was another insect which spread white wax on the trees. 黃蜂紙,和蜜蜂蒸餾水蜂蜜。另有昆蟲傳播的白蠟樹。 These were all retainers or friendly vassals of the Baron in the Castle. 所有這些都是家臣或友好奴仆的男爵的城堡。

Now it was Lord Long-legs' duty once a year to go up to Yedo to pay his respects to the great Tycoon and to spend several weeks in the Eastern metropolis. 現在這是上帝長腳的責任每年壹次 , 以達到Yedo以敬意的偉大大亨和花幾個星期在東部大都市。 I shall not take the time nor tax the patience of my readers in telling about all the bustle and preparation that went on in the mansion of the Baron for a whole week previous to starting. Suffice it to say that clothes were washed and starched, and dried on a board, to keep them from shrinking; trunks and baskets were packed; banners and umbrellas put in order; the lacquered boxes and the brass ornaments dusted off; and swords and spears polished. 我將不花時間 , 也沒有納稅的耐心告訴我的讀者在所有的喧鬧和制劑 , 接著在大廈的男爵了整整壹周前開始。我只想說 , 衣服洗和漿洗,和幹燥的董事會,使他們從日益縮小;樹幹和籃子包裝;橫幅和雨傘放在秩序;的漆箱和黃銅飾品現身;和刀劍和長矛拋光。 Every little item was personally examined by the chief inspector. 每壹個小項目 , 親自審查了總督察。 This functionary was a black-and-white-legged Mosquito, who, on account of his long nose, could pry into a thing further than any other of his lordship's officers; and, if anything went wrong, he could make more noise over it than any one else. 這個職務是壹個黑白腿蚊子,誰,就到他的長鼻子,可以窺探到事情比其他任何進壹步的貴族身份的人員,以及是否有錯,他可以使更多的噪音權比任何其他人。 As for the retainers, down to the very last lackey and coolie, each one tried to outshine the other in cleanliness and smart attire. 至於家臣,下降到最後奴才和苦力,每壹個試圖脫穎而出 , 在清潔及智能服裝。

The Bumble-bee brushed off the pollen from his legs; and the humbler Honey-bee, after allowing his children to suck his paws, to get the honey sticking to them, spruced up and listened attentively to the orders read to him by the train-leader, Sir Locust, who prided himself on being seventeen years old, and looked on all the others as children. He read from a piece of wasp-nest paper: "No leaving the line to suck flowers, except at halting-time." 的大黃蜂,蜜蜂理睬花粉從他的雙腿和humbler蜂蜜,蜂後,讓他的孩子吸吮他的爪子,讓蜂蜜堅持他們spruced和認真地聽取讀的命令他的火車領導,主席先生蝗蟲,誰自豪自己正在十七年歲,並期待所有其他兒童。他宣讀了壹塊蜂巢文件: “沒有離開線吸鮮花,除停止時間。 “ The Blue-tailed Fly washed his hands and face over and over again. 藍尾粉煤灰洗他的雙手和臉部壹遍又壹遍。 The Lady-bugs wept many tears, because they could not go with the company; the Crickets chirped rather gloomily, because none with short limbs could go on the journey; while old Daddy Long-legs almost turned a somersault for joy when told he might carry a bundle in the train. 夫人,許多錯誤哭泣的眼淚,因為他們不能與該公司的蟋蟀啁啾而陰沈,因為沒有壹個短肢可以去的征途上,而老爸爸長的腿幾乎翻開了翻騰的喜悅時 , 告訴他可能進行捆綁在火車。 All being in readiness, the procession was to start at six o'clock in the morning. 壹切都在準備,遊行開始時是早上六點。 The exact minute was to be announced by the timekeeper of the mansion, Mr. Flea, whose house was on the back of Neko, a great black cat, who lived in the porter's lodge of the castle, near by. 確切分鐘將被宣布計時器大廈先生,跳蚤,其房子的背面貓,大黑貓,誰住在門房的城堡附近。 Mr. Flea was to notice the opening or slits in the monster's moony-green eyes, which, when closed to a certain width, would indicate six o'clock. 跳蚤市場先生是開放的通知或縫在Monster的發呆的綠色眼睛,其中,當關閉到壹定寬度,將表明六點。 Then with a few jumps he was to announce it to a Mosquito friend of his, who would fly with the news to the gatekeeper of the mansion, one Whirligig by name. 然後幾個跳躍 , 他宣布了他的蚊子的朋友,誰飛的消息 , 看門的大廈,壹個輪回的名字。

So, punctually to the hour, the great double gate swung wide open, and the procession passed out and marched on over the hill. All the servants of Lord Long-legs were out, to see the grand sight. 因此,準時向小時,大雙門敞開扭虧為盈,並通過了遊行 , 並舉行示威遊行 , 在山上。所有的仆人勛爵長的腿時,看到大在望。 They were down on their knees, saying: "Please go slowly." 他們對自己的膝蓋,他說: “請慢慢來。 ” When their master's palanquin passed, they bowed their heads to the dust, as was proper. 當他們的主人的轎過去了,他們低頭的灰塵,作為是正確的。 The ladies, who were left behind, cried bitterly, and soaked their paper handkerchiefs with tears, especially one fair brown creature, who was next of kin to Lord Long-legs, being an Ant on his mother's side. 女士們,誰落後,痛苦地哭,並浸濕了他們的論文與眼淚的手帕,尤其是公平布朗動物,誰是近親勛爵長的雙腿,被螞蟻在他母親的身邊。

The procession was closed by six old Spider daddies marching two by two, who were a little stupid and groggy, having had a late supper, and a jolly feast the night before. 遊行被關閉的6歲蜘蛛爸爸行軍兩個兩個,誰有點愚蠢和糊裏糊塗的,有過晚晚飯,和熱鬧的節日的前壹天晚上。 When the great gate slammed shut, one of them caught the end of his foot in it, and was lamed for the rest of the journey. 當關閉大門抨擊,其中壹人被結束的時候 , 他涉足,並lamed , 在余下的旅程。 He was ordered to walk alongside of old Daddy Long-legs, who hobbled along, with a bundle on his back. 他被命令壹起步行的老爸爸長的腿,誰阻礙沿,以捆綁在他的背後。 These two were the only funny fellows in the procession, and made much talk among bystanders on the road. 這兩個是唯壹有趣研究員在遊行,並取得了很大的交談旁觀者之間的公路上。

This is the order and the way they looked. 這是為了和他們期待的方式。 First there went out, far ahead, a plump, tall Mantis, with a great long baton of grass, which he swung to and fro before him, from right to left, like a drum-major, crying out: "Down on your knees! Get down with you!" Whereat all the Ants, Bugs and Lizards at once bent their forelegs, and the Toads, which were already squatting, bobbed their noses in the dust. Even the Mud-turtles poked their heads out of the water to see what was going on. 首先走了出去,遙遙領先,壹個胖胖的,身高螳螂,與壹個偉大的接力棒基層,他宣布 , 來回在他面前,由右至左,如鼓大,哭了起來: “妳的膝蓋上!開始與妳! “ Whereat所有的螞蟻,臭蟲和蜥蜴壹次彎曲的前腿和蟾蜍,它已經蹲, bobbed鼻子中的灰塵。即使是泥頭海龜戳了水看到發生了什麽事情。 It was forbidden to any insect to remain on a tall stalk of grass, lest he might look down on His Highness. 這是禁止任何昆蟲留在壹個高大莛,否則他可能會看不起殿下。 So all the Worms and Grubs that lived up in trees or high bushes had to come down to the ground. Even the Inch-worm had to wind himself up and stop measuring his length, while the line was passing. 因此 , 所有的蠕蟲和蠐螬生活在樹上或高灌木叢不得不下降到地面。即使英寸蠕蟲風身上 , 並停止他的長度測量,而線經過。 And in case of Grubs in the nest or Moths in the cocoon, too young to crawl out, the law compelled their parents to cover them over with a leaf. 如果發生蠐螬在巢或蛾在繭,太年輕 , 爬出來,法律迫使他們的父母 , 以支付他們的葉片。 It would be an insult to Lord Long-legs to have any one look down on him. 這將是壹種侮辱上帝長的腿有任何壹個看不起他。

Next followed two lantern-bearers, holding Glow-worms for lanterns in their fore-paws. 下壹步遵循兩個彩燈承擔,持有輝光蠕蟲的燈籠在其前腳爪。 These were wrapped in cases made of leaves, which they took off at night. 這些包裹的情況下取得的葉子,他們在夜間起飛。 Behind were six Fire-flies, well supplied with self-acting lamps, which they kept hidden somewhere under their wings. Next marched four abreast the band of little Weevils, carrying the umbrellas of state, which were morning-glories—some open, some shut. 後面六個消防蒼蠅,以及提供自我代理燈,他們壹直隱藏的地方根據自己的翅膀。下壹步遊行樂隊四個跟上的小象甲,攜帶雨傘的國家,這是今天上午,輝煌,壹些開放的,有些關閉。 Behind them strutted four green Grass-hoppers, spear-bearers, carrying pink blossoms. 他們背後strutted四個綠草,料鬥,魚叉式旗手,攜帶粉紅色花朵。

Just before the palanquin were two tall dandies, each of them a Mantis. 就在轎有兩個高大dandies ,每個人是螳螂。 High lords themselves and of gigantic stature with arms akimbo and feelers far up in the air, they bore aloft the insignia of their Lord Long-legs. 高級上議院本身的地位和巨大的武器Akimbo和觸角遠在空中,它們承擔的徽章高舉其主長的腿。 These fellows strutted along on their hind legs, their backs as stiff as hemp stalks, their noses pointing to the stars, and their legs striding like stilts. 這些家夥strutted沿其後腿,他們的背上的僵硬的大麻稭稈,鼻子指著星,它們的腿像高蹺大步。 The priest in his robes, a Praying Beetle, who was chaplain, walked on solemnly. 神父在他的長袍,祈禱甲殼蟲,誰是牧師,走在莊嚴。

Meanwhile a great crowd of spectators lined the path; but all were on their knees. 與此同時 , 巨大的觀眾排隊的道路,但都被他們的膝蓋。 Frogs and Toads blinked out of the sides of their heads. 青蛙和蟾蜍閃爍出雙方的負責人。 The pretty red Lizards glided out, to see the splendid show; Worms stopped crawling; and all kinds of Bugs ceased climbing, and came down from the grass and flower-stalks, to bow humbly before the train of Lord Long-legs. 美麗的紅蜥蜴滑翔時,看到了燦爛的顯示;百戰天蟲停止檢索;和各種錯誤停止攀登,來到從基層和花卉稭稈,鞠躬虛心火車前勛爵長的腿。 Bug mothers hastened, with their bug babies on their backs, down to the road, and, squatting down, taught their little ones to put their fore-paws politely together and bow down on their front knees. No one dared to speak out loud; but the Mole-cricket, nudging his fellow under the wing, said: "Just look at that green Mantis! He looks as though he would ' rush out with a battle-ax on his shoulder to meet a chariot.' 錯誤母親急忙,其缺陷嬰兒的背上,到道路,並蹲在了,教他們的孩子們把他們的前熊掌禮貌壹起低頭彎腰跪在他們面前。沒有人敢站出來說話大聲;但鼴鼠,板球,輕推他的同胞的翅膀,說: “妳看 , 綠色螳螂!他看來 , 他將'沖出了戰鬥斧對他的肩膀 , 以滿足戰車。 See how he ogles his fellow!" 看他如何ogles他的同胞! “

"Yes; and just behold that bandy-legged Hopper, will you? I could walk better than that myself," said the other. “是的 , 公正的瞧這圈腿霍珀,妳願意嗎?我可以步行優於自己, ”另壹個說。

"Sh!" “噓! ” said the Mole-cricket. 摩爾說,板球。 "Here comes the lordly palanquin." “這裏來了氣派轎。 ”

Everybody now cast a squint up under their eyebrows, and watched the palanquin go by. 現在每個人都投了斜視根據其眉毛,並觀看了轎子去的。 It was made of delicately-woven striped grass, bound with bamboo threads, lacquered, and finished with curtains of gauze, made of dragon-fly wings, through which Lord Long-legs could peep. 有人提出的微妙編織帶基層,約束與竹線程,漆,以及完成的紗窗簾,取得龍飛行的翅膀,通過主長的腿可以窺視。 It was borne on the shoulders of four stalwart Hoppers, who, carrying rest-poles of grass, trudged along, with much sweat and fuss and wiping of their foreheads, stopping occasionally to change shoulders. 這是承擔的肩膀上四個堅定料鬥,誰,攜帶其余極基層,艱難跋涉沿線,很多汗水和大驚小怪並消滅他們的額頭,停止偶爾改變肩上。 At their side walked a body-guard of eight Hoppers, armed with pistils, and having side-arms of sword-grass. 站在他們壹邊走了身體衛隊8料鬥,武裝與雌蕊,並側武器的劍草。 They were also provided with poison-shoots, in case of trouble. 他們還提供了毒藥,竹筍,在案件的麻煩。 Other bearers followed, keeping step and carrying the regalia, consisting of chrysanthemum stalks and blossoms. 其他承擔其次,維持和實施步驟的雷加裏亞,包括菊花莖和花。 Then followed, in double rank, a long string of Wasps, who were for show and nothing more. 隨後,在雙排名,壹長串黃蜂,誰是為顯示 , 僅此而已。 Between them, inside, carefully saddled, bridled, and in full housings, was a Horse-fly, led by a Snail, to keep the restive animal from going at a too rapid pace. 它們之間的內部,仔細背負, bridled ,並充分外殼,是壹個馬禁飛區,由蝸牛,使動蕩不安的動物去在過快的速度。

Three big, gawky helmet-headed Beetles next followed, bearing rice-sprouts, with full heads of rice. 3個大,笨拙頭盔戶主甲蟲明年其次,同時稻谷發芽,充分元首大米。

"Oh! oh! look there!" “噢 , 噢!看看那裏! ” cried a little Grub at the side of the road. 哭了小蠐螬在路邊。 "See the little Grasshopper riding on his father's back!" “見小蝗蟲乘坐父親的回來了! ”

"'Sh," said Madam Butterfly, putting one paw on her baby's neck, for fear of being arrested for making a noise. “噓, ”蝴蝶夫人說,把壹個爪子對她的孩子的脖子,因為他們害怕被逮捕制造噪音。

It was so. 就這樣。 The little Hopper, tired of long walking, had climbed on his father's back for a ride, holding on by the feelers and seeing everything. 小漏鬥,厭倦了長期散步,已經爬上了父親的回兜風,舉行了觸角 , 看到的壹切。

Finally, toward the end of the procession, was a great crowd of common Hoppers, Beetles, and Bugs of all sorts, carrying the presents to be given in Yedo, and the clothing, food, and utensils for the use of Lord Long-legs on the journey; for the hotels were sometimes very poor on the high road, and the Baron liked his comforts. 最後,即將走到盡頭時 , 遊行隊伍,是壹個偉大的人群***同料鬥,甲蟲和臭蟲各類攜帶禮物給予Yedo ,以及服裝,食品和餐具的使用主長的腿的征途上;為酒店 , 有時很差的高路和拜倫喜歡他的舒適。 Besides, it was necessary for Lord Long-legs to travel with proper dignity. 此外,有必要對主長腿旅行適當的尊嚴。 His messengers always went before and engaged lodging-places, as the Fleas, Spiders and Mosquitoes from other localities, that traveled up and down the great high road, sometimes occupied the places first. 他總是去送信之前和從事住宿地方,因為跳蚤,蜘蛛和蚊子來自其他地方,即前往向上和向下的偉大公路,有時被占領的地方第壹次。 The procession wound up with the rear-guard of Daddy Long-legs, and the limping Spider. These prevented any insult or disrespect from the rabble. 遊行結束後與後衛的爸爸長的腿,和瘸著蜘蛛。這些阻止任何侮辱或蔑視的烏合之眾。 After the line had passed, insects could cross the road, traffic and travel were resumed, and the road was cleared, while the procession faded from view in the distance. 在網上已經過去了,昆蟲可以過馬路,交通和旅遊的恢復,道路已清除,但遊行隊伍從視圖中消失的距離。

"Mother, what did the worshipful Lord Long-legs look like? I couldn't see him," said little Grub. “媽媽,什麽worshipful主長腿樣子?我無法看到他說, ”小蠐螬。

"I don't know," replied Madam Butterfly; "I never saw him either, and I don't think anybody else did." “我不知道, ”蝴蝶夫人回答, “我從來沒有見過他不是,我不認為任何人都沒有。 ”

And it was true. 它是真實的。 All they could see was the palanquin. But it was a fine procession just the same. 他們可以看到的是轎子。但這是壹個很好的遊行壹樣。
