當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游日记 - 旅遊英語日常用語精選




 1、(問路)Where is the tourist information centre? 請問旅遊問訊處在哪裏?

 2、(問路)How can I get to XXX hotel ? 去 XXX 酒店怎麽走 ?

 3、(問路)Where can I get a ticket? 在哪裏賣票?

 4、(問車況)Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? 巴士車站在哪裏 ?

 5、(問車況)Is there an airport bus to the city ? 這裏有從機場去市中心的巴士嗎 ?

 6、(問車況)What time does it leave? 幾點發車?

 7、(問路況)Could you tell me when we get there? 請問幾點能夠到達那裏?

 8、(問路況)How long does it take to go to there? 到那裏需要多長時間?

 9、(買張票)Hello, Could I get one ticket to London, please? (買張到倫敦的票)

 10、(問價格)How much is it? 多少錢 ?

 11、(和司機談話)Take me to this address, please 請拉我去這個地址

 12、(和司機談話)Stop here, please 請停下來。

 13、May I have a city map ? 請給我壹張市區地圖?


 1、(問餐館位置)Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 妳能推薦附近的壹個好點的餐館嗎?

 2、(問餐館位置)Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 妳能推薦幾個餐館嗎?

 3、(問餐館位置)I?d like a restaurant not too expensive 我想找壹個不是很貴的餐館

 4、(問餐館位置)I?d like a quiet restaurant. 我想要壹個安靜的餐館

 5、(問餐館位置)I?d like a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere 我想要壹個有著愉快氣氛的餐館

 6、(問餐館位置)Where is main area for restaurants? 餐館主要集中在什麽地方?

 7、(問餐館位置)Is there a Chinese/Italian restaurant around here? 這附近有中國/意大利餐館嗎?

 8、(問餐館位置)Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 這附近有高檔餐館嗎?

 9、(訂桌)Could you make a reservation for me? 妳能幫我預訂壹下嗎?

 10、(訂桌情況)I?d like to reserve a table for two 我想訂2人的桌子

 11、(訂桌情況)We are a group of six 我們6個人壹組

 12、(訂桌情況)We?ll come at eight o?clock 我們8點到

 13、(訂桌情況)I?d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我想在7點訂個2人桌

 14、(訂桌要求)Can we have a table in the corner? 我們可以要張角落的桌子嗎?

 15、(訂桌要求)I?d like a table by the window 我想要張靠窗的桌子

 16、(訂桌要求)Do you have a table for two? 晚上好,有兩人的桌子嗎?

 17、(餐館答復)It?s ok. Your name, please 沒問題,姓名?

 18、(餐館答復)I am sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 很抱歉,今晚客人太多拉

 19、(訂桌情況)How long is the wait? We can wait till late hours 需要等多長時間? 我們可以等的晚些

 20、(餐館答復)Maybe we can offer a table in 20 minutes. 也許20分鐘後會有空位

 21、(回答餐館)All right. We?ll wait 好,我們等會

 22、(回答餐館)I?m sorry, but I want to cancel my reservation. 對不起,我要取消預訂

 23、(點菜-服務員)Do you need some drinks? / Would you like something to drink? / What kinds of drinks? 要不要點飲料? / 要什麽飲料?

 24、(點菜-服務員)Would you like something to drink before dinner? 飯前想喝些什麽嗎?

 25、(點菜-服務員)What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif? 想喝什麽樣的開胃酒?

 26、(點菜-服務員)What kind of wine do you have? 妳想要什麽樣的葡萄酒

 27、(點菜-旅客)May I have a menu, please? 我可以看看菜單嗎?

 28、(點菜-旅客)Do you have a menu in Chinese? 妳有中文菜單嗎

 29、(點菜-旅客)Do you have today?s special? 有今天的特價嗎

 30、(點菜-旅客)May I see the wine list? 我可以看看酒單嗎?


 1、(問地點)Where is the shopping area in this town? 購物區在城鎮的什麽地方?

 2、(問地點)Where is the biggest shopping center? 哪有最大的購物中心?

 3、(問地點)Where is the nearest supermarket from here? 最近的超市在哪?

 4、(問地點)Is there a department store around here? 附近哪有百貨商店?

 5、(問地點)Are there any unusual things produced in this town? 這個鎮有什麽特產嗎?

 6、(問地點)Which shop has the best range of goods? 哪個商店有最好的商品

 7、(問地點)Could you recommend a boutique which is popular among young people? 妳能推薦我壹些年輕人喜歡的流行店嗎?

 8、(問款式)Could you show me something in my size? 能找個我這麽大號的嗎?

 9、(問款式)Do you have anything smaller? 妳有壹些小號的嗎?

 10、(問款式)Do you have any other style? 妳有其他風格的嗎?

 11、(問款式)I don?t like this color (design) 我不喜歡這個顏色(設計)

 12、(問款式)Anything else? 還有其他的嗎?

 13、(問款式)May I try this on? 我能試試這件嗎?

 14、(問款式)I don?t think this onewill fit me. 我覺得這件衣服不合身。)

 15、(問價格)How much is it? 多少錢 ?

 16、(問價格)Could you give me a little discount? 能打些折嗎?

 17、(問稅況)Does it include tax? 含稅了嗎?

 18、(問稅況)Can I buy it tax-free? 我能買它免稅嗎?

 19、(問稅況)Could you tell me how to make it tax-free? 能告訴我怎麽使他免稅

 20、(購買)I?ll take this 我要這個

 21、(購買)Let me ring that up for you.(可以結賬了嗎?)

 22、(購買)How are you going to pay? credit or debit? 妳怎樣付款?信用卡還是電子錢包付款?

 23、(要發票)Can you give me the invoice? 能不能給我壹張發票?

 24、(收款出問題時候問)You gave me the wrong change. 妳找錯錢了。

 25、(收款出問題時候問)Is there a mistake in this bill? Could you check it again? 是不是帳單有錯誤?妳能再檢查壹下嗎?

 26、(收銀員收錯賬回客戶)Bring your receipt to the customer service, and they will refund you。把妳的收據拿給顧客服務部,他們就會退錢給妳。

 27、(自動售貨機意外)I put money in this vending machine, but a coke didn?t come out. 我放錢進自動售貨機拉,可是沒有可樂出來