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my home town麗江的英語作文

My home town Lijiang, is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.

Lijiang each season is like a picture, is so beautiful and unique.

In the early spring, all things recovery, the roadside farmland green up gradually, rape also quietly out of head, peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty, the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud, the cherry blossom is busy airtime, grass small wildflowers are crazy dance, catkin is flying in the air, is full of thick the awaken of spring.

Flowers bloom and fade, the earth covered with a layer of green clothes, spring is about to leave, and with the rush of summer like a naughty little girl appeared in front of you, everything is so casual The sun through the pale green of the leaves on your face, let you feel her warm Lijiang in July, feel is more of a little bit of cool in summer Cloudy and sunny weather in hide and seek with people, not well-known small yellow flowers everywhere complained that summer romance.

Autumn, maple leaves in autumn wind flying, reed, complained that his mood in the autumn wind, the scent of osmanthus flowers filled the air Sky is so blue, the water is so green, the Mid-Autumn moon is so round, sea sunset brush to draw the elegantly beautiful pictures with it.

Lijiang is still so warm in winter, the sunshine is so dazzling, the sky is so blue, didn't feel any cold meaning, only the coming of the night will feel the cold of winter Jade dragon snow mountain is more magnificent, wintersweet in the set off of snow mountain, smiling open thick Snow White cloud blue day Everything is ready for spring quietly.

Lijiang every season is attractive scenery, mountains and rivers, I love the lijiang, I love the lijiang four spring-like! I love my home town of lijiang!

中文翻譯:麗江,是壹個神奇而美麗的地方 麗江的陽光 輕風 白雲與穿城而過的小溪 四季常開的鮮花把麗江裝扮的如詩如畫。麗江的每壹個季節都像壹幅畫,是那麽的美麗而獨特。春天初臨,萬物復蘇,路邊的農田漸漸的綠了起來,油菜花也悄悄地露出了頭,桃花 梨花已經迫不及待地露出自己的美麗,春天的氣息洋溢在暖洋洋的麗江城裏 河邊的柳樹也漸漸吐出新芽,櫻花忙著爭奇鬥艷,草地裏的小野花也在瘋狂的跳舞,柳絮在空中飛揚,到處都是濃濃的春意。花開花落,大地披上了壹層綠色的新衣,春天帶著匆忙的腳步即將離去,夏天像個頑皮的小姑娘出現在妳的面前,壹切都是那麽的不經意 陽光透過嫩綠的樹葉灑在妳的臉上,讓妳感覺到她的熱烈 麗江的七月,在夏天裏感受到更多的是壹絲絲的涼意 忽陰忽晴的天氣在和人們捉迷藏,不知名的小黃花到處訴說這夏日的浪漫。秋天,楓葉在秋風中漫天飛舞,蘆葦在秋風中訴說這自己的心情,空氣中彌漫著桂花的清香 天是那麽地藍,水是那麽綠,中秋的月亮是那麽的圓 拉市海的夕陽用它的畫筆畫出壹幅幅美妙的圖畫。麗江的冬天依然那麽暖,陽光還是那麽刺眼,天空還是那麽藍,感覺不到壹絲的冷意,只有夜晚的來臨才會感覺到冬的寒意 玉龍雪山更加壯麗,臘梅在雪山的映襯下,含笑開放 藍的天 厚的雪 白的雲 壹切都在為春天靜靜的準備。麗江的每壹個季節都是壹道誘人的風景,我愛麗江的山山水水,我愛四季如春的麗江!我愛我的家鄉麗江!
