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The capital of Hunan Province, Changsha, Hunan in the Middle East

is located in the north of the Xiangjiang River, Xiangjiang River across

the two sides.


花。 The city area of 11,819.46 (including the urban area 554) square

kilometers, jurisdiction hibiscus, Kaifu, Tien-hsin, Yuelu, Yuhua five

areas and Changsha, Ningxiang, hope Liuyang City, three counties and one

city in order for the city of camphor tree, to the rhododendron Flower.

偉人毛澤東的故鄉韶山距這裏僅100公裏。 Great man Mao Zedong's hometown Shaoshan is only

100 km away from here. “長沙”這個名字的由來,說法多種。 "Changsha" the origin of the

name, say many. 影響較大的是“星象說”:古人按星宿分野,與社宿“長沙星”對應的這片地方就叫長沙。 Greater impact

is the "astrology": the distinction between the ancients according to

the stars, and community places "Changsha Star" corresponding to this

piece place called Changsha. 在長沙的網紋紅土下,有著寬廣的沙石層。 Under the reticulate

red clay in Changsha has a broad gravel layer.

在南郊石人村何紹基墓地附近,還可見到“土裹沙山”奇觀:山丘中,數米厚的表土下,竟是深厚的河沙。 In the southern suburbs

of Shiren cemetery near the village of Ho Shao-chi, but also to see the

"earth wrapped Sand Mountain," wonders: hills, a few meters thick, under

the topsoil was actually a deep sand.

由於瀏陽河與湘江的交匯擺動,“三十年河東,三十年河西”,江中漸漸“生長”出長長的沙洲(遠非今日的桔洲)。 Liuyang River and

the Xiangjiang River since the intersection of swing, "Thirty years east

of the river, Hexi three decades", the river gradually "grow" out of a

long sandbar (far from today's orange Chau).

古人在這塊長形沙地上,或祭祀,或生產,據其地貌,謂之長沙,久而傳遍天下。 The ancients long-shaped piece of

sand, or worship, or production, according to its topography, that of

Changsha, a long time and spread throughout the world.

長沙具悠久的文明歷史,有著燦爛的古代文化,境內古墓古跡遍布。 Changsha, with a long history of

civilization, has a splendid ancient culture, ancient tombs and

monuments throughout the territory. “長沙”之名始於兩周,迄今已有三千多年歷史。 "Changsha" in

name begins with two weeks, so far 3000 years of history.

春秋戰國時期,長沙是楚南重鎮,秦置“長沙郡”,漢置長沙國,直到民國,長沙歷經國、郡、州、府、廳治。 Spring and Autumn

Period, Changsha is a city of Chu-Nan, Qin home "Changsha County",

Chinese home of Changsha, until the Republic of China, Changsha after

country, county, state, government, office administration.

清康熙三年(1664年)湖廣分治,作為省垣。 Three years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1664)

Huguang divided, as Sheng Yuan. 1933年始設長沙市,作為湖南省省會。 Beginning in 1933,

is located in Changsha, as the capital of Hunan Province.


開放新城,又是生機勃勃的希望之城,正朝著現代化的城市大步邁進。 Changsha cultural atmosphere, and many

heroes have "Xiaoxiang Zhu Si" and the "cradle of revolution," said; the

mountain with water, beautiful scenery; Wu Hua Tian Bao, economic

prosperity, is the famous land of plenty; 100 flourishing, thriving,

well-known open New City, but also a vibrant city of hope, is a big step

forward towards the modern city. 長沙除盛夏氣溫較高以外,其余三季均宜觀光旅遊。 Changsha In

addition to higher summer temperatures than the remaining three quarters

of all appropriate sightseeing. 春季始於2月中旬以後,春天氣候多變,此時外出寧可多穿點衣,以防感冒。

Spring begins in mid-February after the spring climate variability, this

time to go out rather Duo Chuandian clothing, to prevent the common

cold. 5月下旬時夏天來臨,長沙雖有火爐之稱,但在山間即使三伏天也得蓋被子睡覺。 In late May, when the summer

season, Changsha, although the fire is known, but the three dog days of

summer in the mountains, even if we have to Gaibei Zi sleep.

秋季始於8月中旬前後,氣溫通常在15至20度左右,這時秋高氣爽,可以到桔子洲看紅葉。 Autumn begins in mid-August

after the temperature is usually around 15 to 20 degrees, when clear and

crisp, you can see the orange leaves continents.

11月下旬進入冬季,平均氣溫在5度左右,有時會下雪,在長沙如遇下雪應該到山裏去看看冰淩。 In late November into the

winter, the average temperature of 5 degrees, sometimes snow, snow in

Changsha case should go to the hills to see icicle.

長沙是國務院公布的首批24個歷史文化名城和第壹批對外開放的旅遊城市之壹。 Changsha, the State Council

announced the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city and the

first opening of the tourist cities.

著名的古跡有嶽麓書院、馬王堆、開福寺、天心閣等,有名的旅遊景點有嶽麓山、烈士公園、橘子洲頭等。 Well-known monuments

Yuelu College, Mawangdui, open Temple, Tian Xinge so well-known tourist

attractions are Yuelu Hill, martyrs Park, Orange Island first class. 湘菜