當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 旅游日记 - 泰國旅遊英語指南





sea food 海鮮

Tissue 餐巾紙

Order, please ! 點餐!

As soon as possible, please. 越快越好

How long does it take? 需要多長時間?

How long is the wait? 需要等多長時間?

No Spicy. 不要加辣。

Slight Spicy.微辣。

No ice 去冰

Little ice 少冰

Please bring me some ice cubes and water 請給我壹些冰塊和水。

Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 妳能推薦附近的壹個好點的餐館嗎?

I’d like a restaurant not too expensive 我想找壹個不是很貴的餐館。

Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 妳能推薦幾個餐館嗎?

I’d like to have some local food. 我想吃些當地食品。

Where is main area for restaurants? 餐館主要集中在什麽地方?

I’d like a table by the window 我想要張靠窗的桌子。

May I have a menu, please? 我可以看看菜單嗎?

Do you have a menu in Chinese? 妳有中文菜單嗎?

What do you recommend? 妳有什麽推薦?

Can you make it mild? 能做的清淡嗎?

I’d like a glass of water, please 我想來杯水

Check bill,please ! 結賬

What is the specialty of this place ? 這裏的招牌菜是什麽?

Any local dish to recommend ?有哪些地方菜推薦的嗎?

What is the wifi password ? Wifi密碼是多少?

Here is the tip. 這是妳的小費。


I'm sorry,I only coins.Please never mind that.



Excuse me,Can I check-in now ?


Hello, I booked a room in AGODA, this is my hotel voucher.


Could I have my room change into a double room?

為什麽沒有空調? 我訂的是空調房。

Why there is no air conditioning?I booked is air-conditioned room.


I'm going to Bangkok tomorrow.Can I check my baggage here?

我可以借壹下吹風機嗎?May I borrow a hair-dryer?


I made a reservation and I'd like to check in.


Hello, I can put in our luggage storage at the hotel it ?


What should I fill in under Room Number ?


Could you make me up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning?


Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?


I’d like a room with bath


How much is the room charge?

每晚多少錢?How much is it per night?

這是我的酒店確認單。Here is my confirmation slip.


Can you keep my valuables?


Can I have a card with the hotel address?


Where is the nearest subway station?


Do you have a plug adapter ?

Guest house 旅店、招待所

double room 大床房

Hair Dryer吹風機

air conditioner空調



shared bathroom公用洗手間

24-hour hot water 24小時熱水



請拉我去這個地址。Take me to this address, please.

去這裏。To this place, please.


Can you tell me the way to the XX Hotel ,please ?

去XXX怎麽走 ?How can I get to XXX ?

步行去那裏需要多長時間? How long does it take to get there on foot?

妳能告訴我我應該坐哪壹輛車嗎? Could you tell me which bus should I take?

先生,打擾了,這是去XX的車嗎? Excuse me,sir,it this the bus going to the XX ?

車費多少錢? How much is the fare?

去XXX多少錢?How much is it to XXX ?

請妳提醒我在XX下車好嗎? Will you please tell me when we get to the XX ?

能告訴我什麽時候下車嗎?Could you tell me when to get off ?

到那兒要用多長時間呢? How long does it take to get there ?

請再說壹次Please say it again.

打表 use the meter

我迷路了 I’m lost

請給我壹張市區地圖?May I have a city map ?

謝謝妳的幫助。Thank you for your help

廁所在哪裏?Where is the toilet ?

請問旅遊問訊處在哪裏? Where is the tourist information centre ?

巴士車站在哪裏 ?Where is the bus stop (taxi stand) ?

乘計程車到市中心需要多少錢 ?How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi ?

請停下來。Stop here, please

幾點發車?What time does it leave ?

有去XXX的巴士嗎? Is there a bus that goes to XXX ?

賣票的地方在哪?Where is the ticket office ?

我可以看看時間表嗎?May I see a timetable?

可以預訂座位嗎?Are any reserved seats available?

有直達車嗎?Is it a direct train?

我可以打開窗戶嗎?May I open the window?

我能帶者這些行李嗎? Could I keep this baggage?

巴士在這停多久?How long does the bus stop here?

我在這裏下車 I’ll get off here

妳能為我叫輛出租車嗎?Could you call a taxi for me?

收費和儀表盤上的不壹樣。The fare is different from the meter.

我在哪裏上船?Where can I board the ship?

能告訴我在地圖上的什麽位置嗎?Could you show me on the map where I am?


How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi?

銀行在哪?Where is the bank?


能便宜點嗎? Can you cut the price down a bit ?

太貴啦 It’s too expensive for me / That’s too expensive.

打個折吧。Would you give me a discount.

能打些折嗎?Could you give me a little discount?

可以便宜點兒嗎?Can you lower the price ?

我能得到些折扣嗎?Can I get a little discount?

總***多少錢? How much are they ?

壹***多少錢?How much it all together ?

我能嘗嘗嗎?Can I try some?

我只是隨便看看。I’m just looking.

有懂中文的工作人員嗎? Does anyone here speak Chinese?

送給朋友的禮物 A gift for my friend

我在為我媽媽找壹些東西。I’m looking for something for my mother.

我想看看這個。I’d like to see this .

妳有其他風格的嗎?Do you have any other style?

妳們有什麽顏色的? What kind of colors do you have?

妳有其他顏色的這個東西嗎? Do you have the same thing in any other colors?

妳有更大的嗎?Do you have a bigger one?

我可以試穿嗎?Can I try this on?

換衣間在哪?Where is the fitting room?

我能看壹下這個包嗎?Could you show me this bag?

妳有別的款式嗎?Do you have another design?

我要這個 I’ll take this 我要X個這樣的。I’d like X same as this.

不,夠啦。No. That’s all

含稅了嗎?Does it include tax?

還沒有找我錢呢。I don’t have my change back yet.

我在哪能得到退稅表?Where can I get a form. for tax refund?

能給我張退稅表嗎?May I have the form. for tax refund?

那裏可以拿到KING POWER的打折卡?where can I get the discount card of kingpower?

妳推薦我買哪些紀念品?What souvenirs do you recommend to buy ?