當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 租房 - 留學德國住房怎麽找



 Unlike in other countries, you do not automatically get a place to live when you come to Germany to study. You must independently look for housing and independently apply for a room in a dorm.

 RWTH Aachen does not have its own dorms and thus cannot guarantee you housing. The staff at the International Office can only provide you with information about providers and give recommendations.



 Begin your search for housing before you come. Use the numerous addresses and information on our webpages. When searching for an apartment, you can apply to both the private apartment market or to the Student Services dorms.


 In order to increase your chances of finding a room or an apartment, it is important that you are flexible about the location, and take the outer city regions of Aachen and surrounding cities into consideration. Please note that since you are not a citizen of the EU, that the conditions of your visa may not allow you to live outside of Germany.


 Reserve a room early on for your first few days in Aachen ? for example in a hostel or guesthouse. That way you can be sure that you have short-term housing and can continue to look for permanent housing once you are here.


 Private Housing

 You can search for your own apartment, studio, or a room in a shared flat on the private housing market. A shared flat or WG is a very popular and typical form of housing. You rent a room in an apartment with multiple flatmates and share the cost of rent, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Your advantages: You directly meet other students!



 Please Note

 Rooms or apartments on the private housing market can be both furnished or unfurnished.

 There are often cheaper apartments in the neighborhoods outside of the city center, which can be easily reached by bus.

 Insist on getting a written rental contract and make sure to read it through in detail.

 Because shared flats are very popular, there are usually lots of interested individuals. You may need to apply and be interviewed by all of the flatmates, as everyone has to agree on who will move into the room.






 Living in a Student Dorm

 With prices ranging roughly from 180 to 250 Euros, rooms in the student dorms offer a more affordable alternative to the private housing market and are thus quickly filled. It is important that you apply as early as possible and are prepared for long waiting times. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee you will be allocated a room.



 Rooms with Studierendenwerk Aachen

 In Aachen there a number of student dorms. Most of the dorms are operated by Studierendenwerk Aachen.



 Applying for a Room

 International students, just like any other students, can apply online for a dormroom with Studierendenwerk Aachen. Please note that you should send your application as quickly as possible since waiting times can range on average from three to six months. This option is open to all (future) international students at RWTH Aachen, regardless if you are completing a degree here or just coming for an exchange.



 Exclusive Offer for Exchange Students and Scholarship Holders: Room Allotments

 Are you an exchange student as part of a partnership or exchange program? The RWTH Aachen International Office has arranged a limited allotment of rooms in the dorms with Studierendenwerk Aachen. You can also apply for one of these rooms online. Please note that there is a separate housing portal for this allotment of rooms. Since these rooms are not open to all international students, the International Office will inform you separately and you will receive an email containing further information about how to apply for one of these rooms as well as the link for the online application.



 Students in the following programs are eligible to apply:

 Exchange programs: ERASMUS+ study stay, RWTH Exchange Worldwide, UNITECH, TGGS

 Double Master's Programs: T.I.M.E. Double Degree and Tsinghua Double Degree

 DAAD Scholarship Program IIT Master Sandwich

 Students in the Fast Track Bachelor Admission Program

 Students in our strategic partnerships with Tsinghua University and IIT Madras

 Unfortunately regular international Bachelor's and Master's students cannot apply for a room in this special allotment.


 交換項目:伊拉斯謨 +學習居留、亞琛國際交換、 UNITECH、TGGS

 雙學位項目:T.I.M.E. 雙學位和清華雙學位




 Please Note

 You will receive information about applying for a room from the International Office's allotment only after you have applied for an exchange placement or you have registered here as a scholarship holder.

 Not every applicant can be granted a room. There are a limited number of rooms available.

 We recommend the following: Apply on the Studeriendenwerk Aachen's website for a regular room and look for on the private housing market at the same time.





 Rental Period for the Room Allotment

 If Studierendenwerk can offer you one of the rooms or studios from the reserved allotment, you can only rent the room for a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year. If you are going to be in Aachen for longer than year, make sure to find an alternative early on by either applingy for a regular room in the dorm online or looking on the private housing market.



 Apartment Hunting and Advising

 When searching for housing the most important things are starting early and not getting easily discouraged. It may not be simple for you to quickly find a suitable apartment. The International Office makes every effort to assist you and has put together a list of places to search as well as advising offices for questions regarding housing.

 Please note: As an international student you are not automatically assigned a room in the student dorms. This is not possible due to limited capacity.




 RWTH Aachen International Office Housing Service

 Like many other German universities, RWTH Aachen does not operate its own dorms or apartments and cannot be function as an apartment agent. The International Office's Housing Service, however, will help as much as possible with your search for an apartment. We can only inform you of current offers and provide general recommendations. Your own initiative is required for you to successfully find a place to live on the open housing market.

