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物業租賃合同 Tenancy Agreement

本合同是由甲方、乙方***同簽署的中、英文合同,***6頁,訂於 ________年____月_______日,兩種文字表述壹致並同樣有效。

This agreement (totally 6 pages) is signed by Party A and Party B on the date of_____th,______ . It is written in Chinese and English, both of which deliver the identical meaning and have the same effect.

甲方 Party A(出租方 Landlord):

地址 Address:_________________________________ 郵編:____________

電話 Telephone:

乙方Party B (承租方Tenant):Philip Mcternan

地址 Address:上海美國學校 Shanghai American School

電話 Telephone:


In accordance with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations and those of Shanghai Municipality, both Parties have reached the agreement on terms and conditions for the proper tenancy of the Premises and facilities in the Premises which are all owned by Party A to Party B, as stipulated here below:

月租金 Monthly Rental Charge: 人民幣7037(柒仟零三拾柒)元, RMB7,037

物業管理費 Management fee: 人民幣233(貳佰三拾三)元, RMB233


付款方式 Payment: 簽署本合同之日即付1個月租金和物業管理費(7270元),之後每月提前3天支付月租金和物業管理費。Monthly payment, one month’s rental payment and the management fee(RMB7,270) payable upon signing the agreement, then monthly rental payment and the management fee payable 3 days in advance of each tenancy month.

押金 Deposit: 相當於1個月的租金人民幣7037元,於簽署本合同之日支付。

Equivalent of one month’s rental RMB7037 payable upon signing the agreement.

租期 Tenancy term: 13個月 13 months

起租日 Tenancy commencement: 2004年6月1日, June 1st,2004

期滿日 Tenancy expiry: 2005年6月30日,June 30th, 2005



Party A hereby agreed to let Party B the Premises and facilities in the Premises which are located on ________________________________as a single private dwelling place.


租期為 13個 月。自 ____年 6 月 1 日起至 _____ 年 5 月 30 日止。租賃期滿,甲方有權收回全部出租之房屋和屋內設施,乙方應如期交還。乙方如要求續租,則必須在租賃期滿前的 壹 個月向甲方提出書面意向。經甲方同意後,重新簽署租賃合同。

The tenancy term shall be 13 months, which shall be from June 1st, ________ to May 30th, 2005 . At the end of the term, Party A shall have the right to take back the Premises and facilities in the Premises tenanted by Party B. Party B shall return the Premises and facilities in the Premises on time. If Party B wishes to renew this agreement, it shall notify Party A in writing no less than one month before the expiration of the term of this agreement. After the approval by Party A, both Parties shall sign a renewal agreement.


該房屋和屋內設施月租金為人民幣 7037(柒仟零三拾柒) 元整。在租賃期內全部租金分 13 次支付。簽署本合同時乙方向甲方交付人民幣 14307(壹萬肆仟三佰零柒)元當作保證金和 1個月的租金和壹個月的物業管理費,先付後住。乙方在租賃期內,7月份開始,每月租金和物業管理費須提前3天, 每月的27日向甲方交付,先付後住。人民幣 7037 元保證金作為設備、設施被破壞而發生的損失或違約責任的保證。該保證金在租約期滿結清各種費用後應予以退還(不計利息)。屆時如乙方尚有本合同第四條中所述費用的未結清部分,甲方可以從該保證金中扣除相應數額;如結清有余,此部分余款應歸還乙方。

The monthly rental charge of the Premises and facilities in the Premises is RMB 7037 . The rental should be paid by 13 installments within the tenancy period. Party B should pay Party A RMB 14,307 immediately after signing this agreement as the deposit and for 1 month’s rental charge and the management fee, and Party B can only access the Premises after the payments are fully made. From the second tenancy month, Party B should pay the monthly rental charge and management fee RMB7270 on the date of 27th of last tenancy month, and Party B can only access the Premises after the payment is fully made. The said deposit RMB 7037 is held against the damages of fixtures and fittings or breach of the agreement and shall be refunded (non-interest bearing) to Party B at the termination of this agreement subject to an appropriate deduction in respect of the damage of fixtures and fittings or breach of the agreement. Party A has the right to deduct an appropriate sum of the deposit if some payment, for other charges as described in the Article D of this agreement, are unpaid by Party B at the end of the tenancy term, then the remainders shall be refunded to Part B.



During the tenancy term, Party B will pay its utilities of water, electricity, gas, telephone (ADSL), premises management fee, TV fee and other expenditures (It is available that Party A pays such charges on behalf of Party B, then Party B refunds Party A for such charges upon presentation of such receipts).


1. 甲方按約定在第壹次收款後應在約定日期交給乙方使用。如延誤交房日期,甲方須對乙方做出合理的補償。

Party A promises to Party B to render the Premises on the said date after receiving the said first payment. Otherwise Party A should offer reasonable compensation to Party B if Party A fails to render as promised.

2. 非乙方人為因素造成的對該房屋之設備、設施的損壞,由甲方負責修繕。

With regard to the damages of the said Premises, fixtures and fittings which are not resulted from the improper use or negligence by Party B, Party A has the responsibility to repair or pay the cost of the repair.

3. 甲方在乙方入住前給乙方確認在 ________年___月 ___ 日入住時該房屋的所有設施、設備、電器、器具、水、電、煤氣等處於安全、良好的狀態。

Party A represents to Party B that on ______, ______ the Premises will be in good and safe condition and that all fixtures, services, and appliances will be in good working order and that the Premises will be ready for occupation by Party B.


1. 乙方不得擅自將承租的房屋和屋內設施轉租給他人使用。

Not allowed to sub-let the said Premises and facilities in the Premises to a third Party.

2. 乙方不得利用租賃的房屋和屋內設施從事有損公***利益和非法活動。

Not allowed to take part in any illegal activities or activities against the public interest in the said Premises or with the facilities in the Premises.

3. 乙方未經甲方同意不得做有損承租房屋建築結構的分隔、改裝。

Not allowed to make any alteration or addition to the structure of the said Premises.

4. 乙方對承租房屋及設施、設備有保管和愛護的責任;始終保持該房屋和屋內設施處於良好、安全的狀態;租賃期滿,乙方應將承租房屋和屋內設施恢復至承租開始之日狀態。因乙方使用不當或人為造成的事故、損失和損害,由乙方負責賠償或修復。

To maintain the interior of the Premises including the said fixtures and fittings at all times during the tenancy term; Always keep the Premises and facilities in the Premises in good and safe condition; Deliver up the Premises and facilities in the Premises to Party A at the end of the tenancy term in the same good and clean state as they were at the commencement of the tenancy term. To be responsible for covering the loss and damage caused by the negligence act or default by Party B.

5. 未經甲方同意乙方不得在承租房屋內餵養寵物。

Not without the prior consent of Party A to keep or suffer to be kept in the Premises any pet.

6. 於租賃期最後兩個月中,當甲方或甲方指定的中介代理給予乙方合理的通知之後,乙方應同意由甲方或甲方指定的中介代理陪同潛在的承租人參觀房屋和屋內設施。

Permit Party A or Party A’s agents during the last two months of the tenancy term to visit the premises and facilities in the Premises with reasonable notice together with any prospective tenants.

7. 於租賃期中,當甲方或甲方指定的中介代理給予乙方合理的通知之後,乙方應同意由甲方或甲方指定的中介代理陪同潛在的購房人參觀房屋和屋內設施。

Permit Party A or Party A’s agents during the tenancy term to visit the premises and facilities in the Premises with reasonable notice together with any prospective purchasers.


1. 雙方都應嚴格遵守合同內容。如有壹方欲終止合同需至少提前 30 天以書面形式向對方提出磋商,征得對方同意後才有效;如有壹方違約,違約方賠償人民幣 7037元作為違約金。

Both Parties should strictly follow this agreement. If any Party wishes to terminate this agreement, it should notify the other Party in writing at least 30 days in advance. Only after the approval by the other Party, the said termination shall become effective. Otherwise RMB 7,037 should be paid to the other Party as the penalty for breach of the agreement.

2. 乙方應按期交付房租費和明確屬於乙方應交付的所有費用。如乙方逾期兩周未繳納應付款項,甲方有權終止本合同、禁止乙方進入承租的房屋並不退還保證金。

Party B should pay the said rental and all of the fees on the said date. If Party B delays the payment more than two weeks in arrears, Party A has the right to terminate the said agreement, forbid Party B to access the Premises and take possession of the said deposit.

3. 乙方如果因某種原因被迫提出終止合同,但乙方找到另壹位合適的客戶在同樣的條件下續租原定租賃期,使得甲方沒有因換客戶蒙受經濟損失;經甲方認可新的客戶後應準予乙方終止合同並不作違約處理,不收取違約金。

Should Party B be forced to request a termination of this agreement for any reason, and should Party B or property Agent succeed in finding a suitable tenant to rent the Premises under the same terms and conditions contained herein such that Party A will not suffer any financial impact as a result of such termination and Party A agrees to accept the new tenant, Party A should approve such request for termination and waive any said penalty.

八. 其他 H. OTHERS

1. 因不可抗力之原因造成損失,雙方應本著互諒、互讓的原則協商解決。

In respect of loss caused by a force beyond human control, both Parties should hold the principle of mutual understanding and mutual concession to resolve it.

2. 未盡事宜,經雙方協商壹致,可訂立補充條款。

Both Parties agree to develop supplementary clauses after negotiation for any matter not addressed in this agreement.

3. 本合同壹式三份,甲、乙兩方簽字後立即生效,甲、乙雙方及代理公司各執壹份。

This agreement is in three copies, respectively to Party A, Party B and Agent. All of them have the same effect upon signing.

業主 / 代理人(甲方)簽名 Signed by Landlord / representative (Party A):

房客(乙方)簽名Signed by Tenant (Party B):

日期 Date:

Inventory List 家具清單

熱水器Water heater 1pc

空調Air-con 4pcs

電視TV and 1pc

電視架TV table 1pc

冰箱Fridge 1pc

洗衣機Washing machine 1pc

大號床+床墊Double bed with mattress 1set

水,電,煤度數 The meters of the water/gas/electricity




業主 / 代理人(甲方)簽名 Signed by Landlord / representative (Party A):

房客(乙方)簽名Signed by Tenant (Party B):

日期 Date:

1 入住記錄 Check-In Record

水,電,煤度數 The meters of the water/gas/electricity




承租人簽名Signed by Tenant(Party A):

出租人簽名Signed by Landlord (Party B):

日期 Date:

3.退房記錄 Check-Out Record

水,電,煤度數 The meters of the water/gas/electricity




承租人簽名Signed by Tenant(Party A):

出租人簽名Signed by Landlord (Party B):

日期 Date: