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 Want to study in Australia? We're not surprised! It's one of the world's most popular study destinations, and it's not difficult to understand why...What comes to mind when you think of Australia? Sandy beaches and a deep azure ocean, cold cans of lager, and barbeques? Perhaps you might add some weird and wonderful creatures (including some poisonous enough to kill you), miles upon miles of unpeopled wilderness, and an almost maniacal love of sport.There is a large element of truth to these common suppositions. Australia does boast two beaches known as the Eighty Mile Beach and Ninety Mile Beach (and 10,683 other smaller beaches on its mainland alone); Australians – particularly students – do enjoy a drink on the weekend; and the warm weather does indeed lend itself to the outdoor preparation of food. But this by no means an entire portrait of the country - for one thing, it misses out any mention of Australia's impressive higher education system, which was ranked fourth in the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2016.Read on for information on the top universities in Australia, popular student cities, costs, visas and more.



 Universities in Australia have a strong reputation worldwide. Indeed, only the US and the UK have more universities in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings?. Australian universities are also known to be strong proponents of internationalization, and are well-prepared to welcome large numbers of international students each year.All but one of the members of Australia’s Group of Eight (similar to the US Ivy League) make it into the global top 100, and a total of 37 Australian universities are featured in the rankings. Australia also lays claim to the highest number of institutions featured in the QS Top 50 Under 50 and Next 50 Under 50 – which celebrate the world’s leading young universities.The three top universities in Australia are:


 1.澳大利亞國立大學Australian National Universi ty

 The highest-ranked university in Australia is Australian National University (ANU), placed 20th in the world in 2018. It’s located in the capital city Canberra and is the only university to be created by the parliament of Australia. ANU was ranked first in the country for graduate employability in 2015 by the Emerging Global Employability Survey 2015, and six of its alumni and faculty members are Nobel Laureates.


 2.墨爾本大學University of Melbourne

 The University of Melbourne is ranked joint 41st in the world and is one of the oldest Australian universities, having been established in 1853. It now has over 47,000 students enrolled, including 12,000 international students from 130 countries. The university is highly reputed for its research, with over 100 research centers and institutes and a research expenditure of $850m a year.


 3.新南威爾士大學The University of New South Wales

 Ranked 45th in the world, the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) was founded in 1949 and has lays claim to having more millionaire alumni than any other Australian university. UNSW Sydney runs partnerships with over 200 universities across the world and has the goal of becoming “Australia’s global university” by 2025.

 Other top universities in Australia (all in the global top 240) include:

 The University of Queensland (UQ) (ranked joint 47th)

 University of Sydney (ranked 50th)

 Monash University (ranked 60th)

 The University of Western Australia (UWA) (ranked joint 93rd)

 The University of Adelaide (ranked joint 109th)

 University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) (ranked 176th)

 University of Newcastle (ranked joint 224th)

 University of Wollongong (ranked 232nd)

 Macquarie University (ranked joint 240th)














 The name of Australia’s biggest city tends to evoke images of beaches, surfing and drinking, all in the shadow of the nation’s most recognizable landmark, the Sydney Opera House. While Sydney may be famed for its party lifestyle, like many cities famous for their nightlife, it is also bohemian, creative, and intellectual.If this sounds like your kind of environment, then universities in Sydney provide plenty of choice. Two of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight – the University of New South Wales (ranked 45th) and the University of Sydney (ranked 50th in the world) are based in the city, as well as a number of other institutions, including Macquarie University (joint 240th), the University of Technology, Sydney (176th) and the University of Western Sydney (551-600).

 澳大利亞最大城市的名字往往能喚起人們對海灘、沖浪和飲酒的印象,在這個國家最著名的地標——悉尼歌劇院的陰影下。悉尼可能以其聚會的生活方式而聞名,就像許多以夜生活著稱的城市壹樣,它也是波西米亞、創造性和智慧的城市。如果這聽起來像是妳的環境,那麽悉尼大學提供了很多選擇。兩個澳大利亞的著名的八國集團——新南威爾士大學(排名第45名)和悉尼大學(全球排名50名)為基礎,以及其他壹些機構,包括麥格理大學(並列排名240),悉尼科技大學(第176名)和西悉尼大學的(551 - 600名)。


 Considered to be the cultural and multicultural capital of Australia, Melbourne is a good alternative for those who perhaps find Sydney a bit too brash – think of it as a sort of San Francisco to Sydney’s Los Angeles. However, it’s not a pretentious intellectual bubble either – Melbourne’s locals are known for their love of sport, and you won’t be left wanting in terms of nightlife. It is also notable for being one of Australia’s best-preserved cities architecturally.Universities in Melbourne include two Go8 institutions, the University of Melbourne (ranked joint 41st in the world) and Monash University (60th), as well as the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (joint 247th), Deakin University (joint 293rd), La Trobe University (360th), and Swinburne University of Technology (421-430).

 墨爾本被認為是澳大利亞的文化和多元文化的首都,對於那些可能覺得悉尼有點過於魯莽的人來說,墨爾本是壹個不錯的選擇,妳可以試著把它想象成舊金山到悉尼的洛杉磯。然而,這並不是壹個自命不凡的智力泡沫,墨爾本的當地人以熱愛運動而聞名,而妳也不會因為夜生活而被遺棄。它也是澳大利亞在建築上保存最完好的城市之壹。墨爾本大學包括兩個Go8機構,墨爾本大學(世界排名第41名)和莫納什大學(第60名)以及皇家墨爾本理工學院(RMIT)(並列排名第247名),迪肯大學(第293名),La Trobe大學(360名)和Swinburne Technology大學(421 - 430名)。


 Australia’s third-largest city Brisbane is known for the friendliness of its locals – often considered to be a major factor in the city’s growth. Of course, friendliness alone isn’t enough to make a city, and it also has a thriving live music scene, a plethora of world-class cultural institutions and – of course – access to plenty of beautiful beaches.Among universities in Brisbane, the most prominent is the University of Queensland (Brisbane is the capital of the state of Queensland), which ranks at joint 47th in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017. The other ranked institutions in the city are the Queensland University of Technology (joint 247th), and Griffith University (joint 325th).

 澳大利亞第三大城市布裏斯班以當地人的友好而聞名,通常被認為是城市發展的主要因素。當然,僅僅是友好還不足以構成壹個城市,而且它還擁有壹個蓬勃發展的現場音樂現場,眾多世界級的文化機構,當然還有許多美麗的海灘。在布裏斯班的大學中,最突出的是昆士蘭大學(布裏斯班是昆士蘭州的首府),在2016 - 2017年QS世界大學排名中並列第47位。其他上榜院校分別是昆士蘭科技大學(第247名)和格裏菲斯大學(第325名)。


 If it’s the quiet life you’re after, then maybe Perth should be quite high up your shortlist. The city lies in splendid isolation on Australia’s west coast, and boasts a high volume of relatively unspoiled and quiet beaches. The city itself is uncrowded and peaceful. If you’re more into cafés, parks and peaceful beaches than all-night partying, then you and Perth might be a match made in heaven.Universities in Perth include the University of Western Australia (ranked joint 93rd), Curtin University (262nd) and Murdoch University (501-550), and Perth is also the main location for one of Australia’s two private universities, University of Notre Dame Australia.

 如果妳想要的是安靜的生活,那麽也許珀斯應該是妳的候選名單。這座城市位於澳大利亞西海岸的美麗的隔離區,擁有大量相對未被破壞的寧靜的海灘。這座城市本身並不擁擠,也很平靜。如果妳更喜歡咖啡館、公園和寧靜的海灘,而不是通宵派對,那麽妳和珀斯可能是天造地設的壹對。珀斯的大學包括西澳大利亞大學(排名第93位)、科廷大學(排名第262位)和默多克大學(排名第501 - 550位),珀斯也是澳大利亞兩所私立大學之壹——澳大利亞聖母大學的所在的城市。


 Located in the midst of Australia’s chief wine-growing region, Adelaide is the capital of the region of South Australia. Like all of the cities listed here, Adelaide is a coastal city, so can offer the gold and blue shades which characterize Australia’s beaches, as well as the lush greenery which provides the setting for the region’s vineyards.Unsurprisingly, given its location, Adelaide is noted for being a good city for lovers of food and drink. It is also, as a result of the many nature preserves and conservation areas which lie within spitting distance of the city, a good choice for lovers of nature and wildlife. Among universities in Adelaide, the highest-ranked is the University of Adelaide at joint 109th in the world rankings, followed by the University of South Australia (joint 279th) and Flinders University (551-600).

 阿德萊德位於澳大利亞主要的葡萄種植區,是南澳大利亞地區的首府。像這裏列出的所有城市壹樣,阿德萊德是壹個沿海城市,因此可以提供澳大利亞海灘的黃金和藍色陰影,以及為該地區的葡萄園提供環境的郁郁蔥蔥的綠色植物。毫無疑問,考慮到它的位置,阿德萊德被認為是美食和飲料愛好者的好城市。同時,它也是許多自然保護區和保護區的結果,這是自然和野生動物愛好者的壹個好選擇。在阿德萊德的大學中,排名最高的是阿德萊德大學的世界排名第109位,緊隨其後的是南澳大利亞大學(並列排名279名)和弗林德斯大學(排名551 - 600名)。



 There is no federal or state-level application system for international students applying to universities in Australia, so you will need to apply directly to the university, usually online and often for a fee. You’ll need to provide documents such as proof of your English language proficiency and certificates that verify your previous study and educational qualifications to date.



 These estimates do not include high-value courses such as medicine, and tuition fees will vary from university to university and subject to subject. If cost is going to be an issue, then make sure you do some research, and consider applying for a scholarship. A searchable database of scholarships to study in Australia can be found here.

 When applying for your student visa you will need to prove you have at least A$19,830 (~US$15,100) per year to cover your living costs. If you’d like to live on campus in university accommodation, this will typically cost A$90 to A$280 per week (~US$70-210). You might also like to rent privately, with a shared rental costing around A$165 to A$440 per week (~US$125-335.) You could also choose a homestay, in which you’ll live with an Australian family at their home, with bills and meals usually included in your rent, usually $235 to $325 per week (~US$180-250). Homestays might be particularly beneficial to students who’d like to improve their English language skills.


 學士學位:1.5萬至33,000$(約11420 - 20,610美元)

 碩士學位: 2萬至 37000$(約$12,500-23,115美元)

 PhDs: 1.4萬到37000$(約8,740-23,115美元)



 申請學生簽證時,妳需要證明妳每年至少有19,830澳元(約15100美元)的生活費。如果妳想住在大學宿舍裏,這通常需要花費90到280美元(約70 - 210美元)。妳可能也喜歡私下租房子,租金是每星期165美元到440美元(約合125 - 335美元)。妳也可以選擇寄宿家庭,在那裏妳可以和澳大利亞的家人住在壹起,賬單和餐點通常包括在妳的房租裏,通常是每周235到325美元(約180 - 250美元)。寄宿家庭可能對那些想提高他們的英語技能的學生特別有益。


 Australian student visas were previously categorized in different types depending on the type of study program, but have now been simplified so that all international students apply for the same visa – the Student Visa (Subclass 500). The changes also mean that students are no longer assigned an assessment level, as a single immigration risk framework will apply to all international students.
