當前位置:旅游攻略大全網 - 租房信息 - 和take搭配的壹些短語




take a back seat 占壹不顯眼的位置,謙讓

take a bad picture 不上鏡頭,拍出照片不好看

take a bad turn 惡化,變壞

take a bite 咬壹口

take a blinder 死

take a boldness 膽敢,擅行

take a bow 鞠躬

take a break 小做休息

take a bribe 收受賄賂

take a chance 冒險,碰運氣

take a cup of tea 拿來壹杯茶

take a curtain 謝幕

take a dare 接受挑戰並打算幹

take a decision 作決定,下決心

take a dive 假裝被打倒了

take a drive 坐汽車出遊

take a drop too much 喝醉,酗酒

take a fancy to 愛上,愛好

take a favourable turn 變好,轉好

take a fence 越過籬笆

take a flat in town 在城裏租壹套房間

take a flight 飛行,飛翔

take a glance at 看壹看

take a hack at 嘗試

take a hand in 參加,插手

take a hint 接受暗示

take a hop 做壹次短途飛行

take a horn 飲酒

take a joke 忍受別人開的玩笑

take a journey 旅遊

take a leak 小便

take a light lunch 午餐吃得少

take a long time 費時間

take a look at 看壹看

take a matter 對待壹件事

take a measurement of 測量,量出

take a nap 睡午覺

take a new view of an affair 對某事有新的看法

take a notion 異想天開地要

take a paper 訂閱壹份報紙

take a photo 拍照

take a picture 照相

take a poor view of 不贊成

take a powder 逃走,跑掉

take a reading 讀取

take a rest 休息壹下

take a ride 兜風,坐車,騎自行車,騎馬

take a right turn 向右拐

take a risk 冒險

take a seat 就座,入座

take a shine to 喜歡上

take a shoot 抄近路,走捷徑

take a short cut 抄近路,走捷徑

take a shower 洗淋浴

take a side with 支持,贊助

take a sip of the wine 呷壹口酒

take a stand 依據,主張

take a strong line 幹得起勁

take a suggestion 接受建議

take a toss 從馬背上摔下

take a train 乘火車

take a trip 旅遊

take a view 觀察

take a vote 表決

take a walk 散步

take a warning 得到警告

take a wife 娶妻

take a wrong train 誤乘火車

take aim瞄準 take an account of記錄,並列

take an airing 作戶外體操,郊遊

take an alarm 註意到有危險的前兆,驚恐

take an attitude of 采取…的態度

take an average over 把…平均起來

take an examination 參加考試

take an example 舉例子,做個榜樣

take an interest 感興趣

take an item 會意

take an oath 宣誓,立誓

take an objection 反對

take courage 拿出勇氣

take cover 隱藏起來

take different position 采取不同的立場

take directions 接受指示

take instructions 接受指示

take lodgers 接納房客

take lodgings 租寓所

take medicine 服藥

take one's bearings 判斷自己的位置,觀察形勢

take one's choice 選擇

take one's colour from 仿效,模仿

take one's courage in both hands 勇往直前,敢作敢為

take one's departure 出發,動身

take one's drops 私下飲酒,縱酒

take one's duty 代替…的工作

take one's exit 出去,離去

take one's heels 跑開,溜掉

take one's hook 逃走

take one's leave 道別,告別

take one's measure 打量或揣度…的品德、才智等

take one's mind of 對…不註意

take one's name in vain 討論某人,作偽誓

take one's own course 壹意孤行

take one's own life 自殺

take one's part 站在某人壹方,幫助某人

take one's route to 到…去

take one's stand 采取立場,表示意見

take one's turn 輪到

take one's way towards 向…走去

take one's word 相信某人的話

take poison 服毒

take private pupils 招幾個學生在家裏教

take shelter 隱藏起來

take snuff 用鼻子吸〔聞〕

take steps 采取步驟

take substantial casualties 遭受重大傷亡

take the advice 接受意見

take the axe by the handle 拿住斧柄

take the blame 承擔過錯

take the book 取書

take the case 接受案子

take the chair 主持開會

take the chairs 拿椅子

take the city 使全城轟動

take the count 打敗,下臺

take the crown 登王位

take the defensive 取守勢

take the egg 勝,贏

take the field 開始作戰

take the first opportunity 壹有機會就

take the floor 參加討論,起立發誓

take the ground 擱淺

take the head 帶頭

take the high hand 專橫

take the horse (馬)懷孕

take the huff 見怪

take the initiative 倡導,采取主動

take the labouring oar 擔任最困難的工作

take the money 取錢

take the offensive 取攻勢

take the part of 支持

take the part of the hero 飾演男主角

take the phrase 理解短語

take the place of 取代,替代

take the position 主張

take the post 接替職務

take the punishment 接受懲罰

take the rap 代人受過

take the remark 聽取意見

take the same opinion 持相同的主張

take the shortest way home 走最近的路回家

take the six o'clock train 乘6點鐘的火車

take the smoke into one's lungs 把煙吸進肺裏

take the stage 出現

take the stand of ...采取…立場

take the throne 登王位

take the trouble 竭力,費力

take the upper hand 占上風

take the water 下水

take the wind 得利益,占上風

take the word 開始說話

take things (the way) they come 承受壹切

take two hours 花兩個小時


take affectionately 領會深情,產生柔情

take calmly 處之泰然,不激動

take ceremoniously 就職禮儀隆重,娶妻講究禮節

take consciously 自覺領會

take coolly 處之泰然

take correctly 理解得不錯

take forcibly 強行侵占

take graciously 采取禮貌態度

take indiscriminately 無選擇地采用

take invariably 起作用不變

take kindly 樂意接受

take lightly 輕視

take literally 函索記錄,照定義理解

take ostensibly 可公開采用

take ostentatiously 除去浮誇風,不得虛飾

take recklessly 亂花費,采取魯莽態度

take reluctantly 勉強采用

take roughly 粗略摘錄,產品粗糙不受歡迎

take selfishly 消除利己主義,摒棄自私心理

take seriously 認真接受,認真地對待

take sparingly 節約花費,愛惜采用

take unhesitatingly 立即獲得,迅速取走

take voluntarily 自動記錄,自發接受

take voraciously 貪吃貪喝

take along 帶領,攜帶

take apart 把(某人)叫到壹邊,拆開,嚴懲

take a toy apart 把玩具拆開

take back 帶回,歸還

take down 放下,取下,拆掉;把…記錄下來

take down the speech 把講話記下來

take in 吸入,留(某人)寄宿,看到,註意到;完全明白,欺騙(某人)

take in the situation 看清形勢

take off 拿下,脫下,起跳,起飛,減價

take on 承擔(工作、責任等),雇用(工人),接納(學生),呈現出

take on more men 招收更多的工人

take over 接任,接管

take over the chairmanship 接任主席職務

take up 占用,接受,培養,開始對(某學科、嗜好或職業)產生興趣

take up linguistics 選學語言學


take after father 像父親

take as a compliment 把…當作恭維

take as a personal matter 把…看成個人的事

take as a sign of friendship 把…看作友好的表示

take office as chairman 擔任主席

take sb by the hand 拉住某人的手

take by surprise 大出(某人)意料之外

take sb by the throat 扼住某人咽喉

take sb for a fool 把某人當傻瓜

take sb for a ride 帶某人去兜風

take sb for a walk 帶某人去散步

take sth for granted 認為某事當然

take sb in one's arms 抱住某人

take sth in one's hand 手裏拿著某物

take sb into one's confidence 把某人當作知心人

take sth into account 考慮到某事

take sth into consideration 考慮某事

take sth into the house 把…搬進屋裏

take sth off the bill 從賬單中扣除…

take sth off the shelf 從架子上把…取走

take sb on one's shoulder 扛起某人

take a freighter to Europe 乘貨船到歐洲去

take sb to court 起訴某人

take sb to dinner 帶某人去赴宴

take sb to the art museum 帶某人去藝術博物館

take sb to the station 送某人去車站

take sth to the library 把…送到圖書館

take to an offer 接受提議

take to bad habits 染上惡習

take to one's bed 上床

take to drink 沈湎於酗酒

take to fishing 對釣魚著迷

take to gambling 到賭場去賭博

take to the lifeboat 登上救生船

take to the streets 走上街頭

take sb under one's wing 保護某人,幫助某人

take sth up with a pair of pincers 用鉗子鉗起某物

take with a smile 笑著接受